If you have contributed to ALIPAC in the last six months, please disregard this message.

ALIPAC needs new contributions to be able to fund our operations through November and to weigh what we can and can't do for all of the great candidates running this year.

Our online fundraiser a few months ago helped a great deal, but if you have not contributed to ALIPAC before, or you have not contributed in the last six months, please consider making an immediate contribution.

Supporters will be encouraged to give to candidates they like on our endorsement list directly, and ALIPAC will try to assist campaigns in close races or where we have a good chance of electing a new member of Congress that stands with us on the issue of immigration enforcement.

The election is only a few days away!

Tough decisions will be made. Please chip in if you can as we need your maximum support during this critical battle.

You can contribute today via our secure online contribution section at this link...

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=C ... page&pid=9

Personal checks can be mailed to

PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622
(If you are using the mail, please send your contribution right away)

Small donations of $25, $50, and $100 really add up. It is part of our design to be fueled by small donations.

However, ALIPAC would not be here today doing what we are doing without the contributors that have given us larger donations of $250, $500, and $1,000.

Together, we are making a huge impact across the nation and we truly appreciate your support.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878