The next challenge--Amnesty returns!

Dear Friends,

As Bay mentioned earlier this week, the Left is mobilizing to jam through Amnesty for 15-20 million illegal aliens in this country. The pro-amnesty forces know it could be another decade before they have another chance to get this nation-wrecking legislation through--if then! Last Sunday, in the midst of the health care vote, the pro-amnesty forces were out marching again--this time with specific instructions to carry American flags. The crowds weren't what we have seen in the past, but tens of thousands did come and friends of ours were there to capture the spirit of the event. Thought you might be interested in seeing it for yourselves. (Click to see video) Nothing has changed!

If we can stop the open border crowd again this year we may have won the battle for many years to come. Then America can focus on enforcing the laws and securing our border and getting Americans back to work! We have the support of the American people--now we need to get the right people elected in November--men and women committed only to do what is right for the country and who have the courage to stand up to the forces who would destroy this great nation only to promote their own personal agenda.

We have the candidates--Team America is identifying more every week. And we are doing everything we can to help them. But it is only with your help that we can be certain they make it all the way to Washington--that means winning their primaries and their general elections. I hope you can help us give America a chance by replacing the bums in Congress with true patriots.

God Bless you and God Bless America.

Tom Tancredo

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Tom Tancredo
Fri, Mar 26, 2010 1:40 pm

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