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    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    From: Roy Beck <> Add to Address Book
    Date: 2006/05/22 Mon PM 03:47:51 EDT
    Subject: Your feedback ... keep phoning Senate

    From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
    Date: Monday 22MAY06 1:30 p.m. EDT

    Pour on the phone calls ... Please do not let up


    Here is what needs to be said in your calls the rest of the afternoon and Tuesday morning.
    Emphasize over and over that they do not want to be saddled the rest of their career with having voted for the biggest amnesty reward for lawbreakers in American history.

    Tell them that John McCain is making himself a laughing stock by his insistence that it would make more sense to call S. 2611 "bananas" than to call it an "amnesty." In fact, it is both. And the public is totally insulted by McCain and his crew's insistence that giving citizenship to 12 million illegal aliens is not AMNESTY.

    It is essential that you help these Senators' staffs (especially if you are from their states) to envision what it will be like during their next re-election bid to have to explain day after day their vote for a giant amnesty. Also, have them think about what it will feel like the rest of their careers to go into any setting at any time and have the collegiality of the moment shattered by bitter charges that they sold out America with this amnesty.

    Use the links in the IN THIS EMAIL box in the upper right column of this email to look at the target groups of Senators who most need to be called.

    PLEASE MAKE AT LEAST ONE PHONE CALL TUESDAY -- and then at least one more tomorrow.

    Other than your own state's Senators, the most important Senators to call are those in GROUP TWO. They are NOT committed to voting NO on the S. 2611 amnesty, but they voted very well on amendments last week. They are our best bet for pulling in new people.

    GROUP THREE has 5 in one section and 11 more in the next section. These 16 need to be pounded because they are showing every sign at this minute of caving in to their Democratic Party Leaders or to Pres. Bush and voting for the amnesty. But they are in states or other circumstances that just don't make sense for that kind of behavior.

    GROUP ONE needs calls only from people from their own state. These are good people who have voted with us almost in every case the last week. A few may vote FOR cloture as a kind of deal they made to get their amendments considered. If so, it was a bad deal.

    Your message to GROUP ONE Senators should be one of profound thankfulness and respect for their behavior the last week.

    Then, emphasize that it is not being obstructionist to vote AGAINST cloture on S. 2611 because they know as well as you that the bill has not truly been investigated as to its overall effects and the ability of the government to carry it out without massive fraud and social disruption. It just doesn't make sense to have a vote on this bill at this time. So, no matter what deals they may think they've made, they owe it to themselves and the people of your state to vote AGAINST cloture, against allowing the bill to have a chance to be passed at this time.

    What we are hearing on the Hill is that many of our allies in the Senate are discouraged and don't believe it is possible to win anymore.

    We have seen this in many battles in the past. We have spent countless hours over recent years persuading our allies in Congress that the American people (at least the ones with whom we can communicate) will back them if they will lead.

    When you call the 33 Senators in Group One, cheer them up, give them a pep talk, tell them they wouldn't believe how many people are pulling for them.

    The final vote on S. 2611 will probably occur on Wednesday.

    If at all possible and there is a Senator's office in your local area, visit it -- TUESDAY!

    We have to persuade 41 Senators to vote NO on "cloture" on the giant S. 2611 amnesty bill.

    Remember that you can call all Senators in their DC offices by using the Capitol Switchboard:



    Use the lists below to decide which Senators most need to hear from you.


    I phoned 19 senators today. I won't always do this, but try to do what I can to help.
    ----------Jan Schliem

    I called Senator John Cornyn's Dallas office several times this morning and each time received a recorded message that: "all lines are busy due to the volume of telephone calls regarding the Immigration debate in Congress".
    ----------Bob H.

    I called several Senators' offices this morning.
    There are a few of us getting together tomorrow morning to go to Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl's offices.
    ----------Doni Logan

    in this email:
    Some quick feedback from you about your phone calls today

    GROUP ONE: 33 Senators most likely to vote against the amnesty

    GROUP TWO: 10 more who are good prospects

    GROUP THREE: Where your phone calls may do the most good

    actions in brief:

    1. Phone your state's 2 Senators' offices at home and in DC

    All phone numbers & addresses for your Senators


    2. Personally visit an office of your Senators that is in your area.

    3. Keep track of what is happening to S. 2611 by visiting our Vote Day Action Center:

    4 Make sure you've sent all your faxes from your Action Buffet corkboard:
    donate now:
    This faxing system is 100% financed by the voluntary generosity of the 195,000-
    plus Americans who use it.

    Please click here to make any sized donation to keep this grassroots phenomenon strong and effective.


    These 9 actions by the Senate last week were by far the most important in affecting how many millions of green cards could be added by this bill.


    1. WE LOST: Tabling of Dorgan amendment(which would have eliminated guest worker program)

    2. WE LOST: Tabling of Kyl amendment (which would have denied green cards to guest workers.)

    3. WE WON: Passing Bingaman amendment to cap guest workers at 200,000 per year.

    4. WE WON: Passing Cornyn amendment to put some pretty strong protections for American workers when giving out visas (cutting numbers that would be let in)

    5. WE LOST: Passing Kennedy amendment to gut a large part of the teeth in Cornyn amendment


    6. WE LOST: Defeated Isakson amendment to delay all amnesty and guest worker programs until border fully secure.

    7. WE LOST: Defeated Vitter amendment to delete the amnesty


    8. WE LOST: Defeated Ensign amendment to stop Social Security to illegal aliens


    9. WE WON: Passed Sessions amendment to construct few hundred miles of fence on Mexican border

    You're right about their staff being trained to argue the "Amnesty" word. What I got from Lugar's office was this "It would be amnesty if there was no punishment, but they're having to pay fines"
    ----------Tommy Galloway, Atlanta

    Please remind offices that if you allow a carjacker to keep the car, you can't say that you aren't giving him amnesty because you make him pay a fine. Sen. Lugar is one of the smartest men in Congress. Don't let him or anybody else get away with ridiculously dumb claims like Tommy got -- and I'm sure ably deflected.

    Not only do I call my senators and some others to express my views, I also, have taken to expressing my views to the Democratic National Committee. I think its important for democrats to let the national party know that we hold them accountable, too. To politicize this issue to consolidate power for the democratic party is not wise for the nation. Right now, its important for both parties to do what is right for the nation and not to pander to interest groups who do not have the best interests of the nation at their core.
    ----------Ann Killian

    The Numbers “Call Congress” chart shows that my two Senators have fifteen different phone numbers to their different offices where different staff members take the calls. Calling each office gives my views fifteen times as much influence upon my Senators as does one call to one Senator.

    At turning points in the battle like this, I can call all fifteen offices each morning in just about forty five minutes, and sip coffee at the same time.

    I live in two states, so if I am feeling determined to help leave future generations a nation “as good as I got“ handed to me when I was born, I sometimes call the Senators in both states, and also in other states where I have lived, gone to school or own property, along with the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders. If staffers suggest I call my home state Senator, I point out that each Senator’s vote can open borders that flood the entire nation, so we are truly “all in this together!”

    BEST-CHANCE POOL .... 33 who voted for Vitter amendment (to delete the amnesty)

    These should be sure votes to oppose final bill which will include amnesty for at least 10 million illegal aliens.

    But anything can happen at the end. It is up to those of you in the states of these Senators to make sure that they absolutely are guaranteed to vote against S. 2611 later this week. Mainly, you will want to praise them for their vote FOR Vitter and for generally voting in favor of security, in favor of American workers and in favor of some stability in the quality of life of your communities.

    We have to keep all 33 of these if we are to hope to stop S. 2611.

    Sessions (R-AL)
    Shelby (R-AL)
    Kyl (R-AZ)
    Allard (R-CO)
    Chambliss (R-GA)
    Isakson (R-GA)
    Crapo (R-ID)
    Grassley (R-IA)
    Roberts (R-KS)
    Bunning (R-KY)
    McConnell (R-KY)
    Vitter (R-LA)
    Lott (R-MS)--he missed first votes because of a funeral
    Bond (R-MO)
    Talent (R-MO)
    Burns (R-MT)
    Nelson (D-NE)
    Ensign (R-NV)
    North Carolina:
    Burr (R-NC)
    Dole (R-NC)
    Coburn (R-OK)
    Inhofe (R-OK)
    Santorum (R-PA)
    South Carolina:
    DeMint (R-SC)
    South Dakota:
    Thune (R-SD)
    Cornyn (R-TX)
    Hutchison (R-TX)
    Bennett (R-UT)
    Hatch (R-UT)
    Allen (R-VA)
    West Virginia:
    Byrd (D-WV)
    Enzi (R-WY)
    Thomas (R-WY)

    All but 3 of the 33 voted RIGHT on all 9 amendments or voted wrong only on the Dorgan amendment.

    The following 3 are a bit shakier because they voted the wrong way on 2 or 3 of the 9 most important amendments:

    Shelby (R-AL) – Wrong on 3: Dorgan, Bingaman & Isakson

    McConnell (R-KY) – Wrong on 2: Dorgan & Kyl

    Bond (R-MO) – 2: Wrong on: Dorgan & Bingaman

    If we can keep all 33 on our side, we still will need 8 more NO votes on cloture on S. 2611 in order to stop the bill. Those 8 must come from the lists that follow.

    POOL OF POSSIBLE ANTI-AMNESTY SENATORS .... 10 who did NOT vote for Vitter amendment to delete amnesty, but voted for Isakson amendment to seriously delay amnesty

    The Isakson amendment failed, too. But it got 40 votes, rather than the 33 on Vitter.

    Isakson would have effectively put an amnesty off for years by requiring implementation of enforcement and security first.

    Persons in this list may have voted against Vitter for various reasons, but at least they showed willingness to break with the Bush/Kennedy/McCain open-borders cabal on this fairly tough Isakson amendment.

    Most Promising Possibilities

    Stabenow (D-MI) In a competitive re-election race (voted RIGHT 5 times; voted WRONG 4 times)

    New Hampshire
    Sununu (R-NH) Voted right 7 times & WRONG only 2 times

    New Mexico:
    Domenici (R-NM) Voted RIGHT 7 times & WRONG only 2 times

    North Dakota:
    Conrad (D-ND) Voted RIGHT 5 times & WRONG 4 times (Up for competitive election)
    Dorgan (D-ND) Voted RIGHT 5 times & WRONG 4 times

    Alexander (R-TN) Voted RIGHT 6 times & WRONG 3 times
    Frist (R-TN) Voted RIGHT 7 times and WRONG 2 times (wants to be a GOP nominee for President)

    Tougher to Snag

    Landrieu (D-LA) Voted RIGHT only 3 times & WRONG 6 times (sensitive to hurricane issues)

    Smith (R-OR) Voted RIGHT 5 times & WRONG 4 times
    Wyden (D-OR) Voted RIGHT 4 times & WRONG 5 times

    WEAK BUT BROKE WITH THE OPEN BORDERS MAJORITY .... These 5 Voted RIGHT on 5 amendments and WRONG on 4 (did not vote for Vitter or Isakson)

    These will be tough to get. But if we don't get a couple of these, it is doubtful we can get the 41 votes. Without these, we would have to get NO votes out of all but one in the pools above. That is probably too much to hope for.

    The Senators in this pool voted against us on the two toughest amendments (Vitter and Isakson) and two other times. Still, they distinguished themselves from the open-borders Senators who overwhelmingly opposed any trimming of this massive expansion of immigration.

    Collins (R-ME)
    Snowe (R-ME)

    Coleman (R-MN)

    ***Cochran (R-MS) He missed 3 votes because of a funeral. He voted wrong on Kyl & Vitter, the 2 tough ones for which he was present. He voted right on Cornyn, Kennedy, Sessions and Ensign. Every indication is that he is as soft as the others on this list.

    New Hampshire:
    ***Gregg (R- NH) Voted right 5 times. Voted wrong on Vitter, Bingaman and Dorgan. Skipped Isakson vote.

    OUGHT TO BE A LOT BETTER IN THESE STATES .... 11 show a bit of openness to our side and are from states that should be getting a very different kind of Senator

    Thus far, these are thumbing their noses at their constituents in their voting. But if the people of their state rise up in massive protest Monday and Tuesday over last week's voting, it is not inconceivable that any one of these could end up voting NO on cloture.

    There is no solid reason why any of these Senators should be voting for a massive amnesty and doubling of importation of permanent foreign workers.

    Murkowski (R-AK) -- 3 Right votes
    Stevens (R-AK) -- 2 Right votes

    Lincoln (D-AR) -- 2 Right
    Prior (D-AR) -- 2 Right

    Nelson (D-FL) -- 2 Right (in competitive re-election race)

    Dayton (D-MN) -- 4 Right (retiring with better than most Grade Card)

    Baucus (D-MT) -- 3 Right (one of best Democratic Grade Cards)

    Voinovich (R-OH) -- 3 Right

    South Dakota
    Johnson (D-SD) -- 2 Right (Democratic Minority Leader Dashle lost his seat here last election for supporting amnesties)

    Warner (R-VA) -- 4 Right (He is an aristocrat who cares little for what constituents think. But he's voted almost half the time with us.)

    West Virginia
    ******Rockefeller (D-WV) He's missed all votes because of back operation. But he has one of the best Democratic Grade Cards and ought to be more like his Democratic colleague in the state, Sen. Byrd. If Rockefeller does NOT vote on final cloture, it will be the same as a NO vote.

    IMPOSSIBLE? .... 11 Senators part of the McCain/Kennedy open-borders cabal

    The Republicans in this groups have essentially promised that they will vote only the way that Sen. McCain (R-AZ) votes.

    And the Democrats are taking their vote cues from Sen. Kennedy (D-MA).

    These 11 are the Open Borders Cabal that has managed thus far to get the entire Senate to do its bidding.

    McCain voted right only once -- on the Sessions fence. Here are his Republican minions that voted in lockstep with him:

    McCain (R-AZ)
    Lugar (R-IN)
    Brownback (R-KS)
    Hagel (R-NE)
    DeWine (R-OH)
    Specter (R-PA)
    Rhode Island
    Chafee (R-RI)
    South Carolina
    Graham (R-SC)

    Kennedy never voted right. Here are his Democratic minions:

    Lieberman (D-CT)
    Kennedy (D-MA)
    Kerry (D-MA)

    BARELY A SIGN OF BELIEF IN BORDERS & AMERICAN WORKERS .... These 22 Senators voted RIGHT only 1 or 2 times; they show little promise this time around

    If you live in their states, please continue to hammer them. You never know when in the future your pressure may finally break through in some way.

    But these are Senators who have sent nearly every signal that they do not believe it likely that massive new flows of foreign workers could hurt any Americans.

    Salazar (D-CO) -- Right 1 time (Sessions fence)
    Dodd (D-CT) -- Right 2 times
    Biden (D-DE) -- Right 2 times
    Carper (D-DE) -- Right 2 times
    Martinez (R-FL) -- Right 2 times
    Akaka (D-HI) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Inouye (D-HI) -- Right 2 times
    Durbin (D-IL) -- Right 2 times
    Obama (D-IL) -- Right 2 times
    Mikulski (D-MD) -- Right 2 times
    Sarbanes (D-MD) -- Right 2 times
    Reid (D-NV) -- Right 2 times
    New Jersey
    Lautenberg (D-NJ) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Menendez (D-NJ) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    New Mexico
    Bingaman (D-NM) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Rhode Island
    Reed (D-RI) -- Right 2 times
    Jeffords (I-VT) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Leahy (D-VT) -- Right 2 times
    Cantwell (D-WA) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Murray (D-WA) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Feingold (D-WI) -- Right 1 time (Bingaman cap)
    Kohl (D-WI) -- Right 2 times

    A REMOTE POSSIBILITY .... These 8 Senators don't present enough hope to be listed in the Pools of possibilities up above, but they show a spark of interest in protecting Americans from the floods of foreign workers. They voted RIGHT 3 times.

    If you are in their states, do all you can to help them feel that voting NO on S. 2611 is the right thing to do politically -- even if they can't understand why it is the right thing to do for your state.

    Boxer (D-CA)
    Feinstein (D-CA)
    Craig (R-ID)
    Bayh (D-IN)
    Harkin (D-IA)
    Levin (D-MI)
    New York
    Clinton (D-NY)
    Schumer (D-NY)

    Please make as much difference today as you can.


    -- ROY
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2005
    El Norte De Carolina, Los Estados Unidos

    Thanks for posting this alert here.

    I receive NumbersUSA Alerts. I have this one printed out to help me finish up with mega phone calls tomorrow morning.

    I'm very pleased that both NC Sentators, Burr and Dole, were listed in the best of the good guy/gal categories on how Senators voted. I contacted their offices today to express my appreciation and was assured by Staff in at least three offices (called both Senator DC offices and aboth their NC offices) that the two Senators were expected to fully back up their No Amnesty votes again when the final votes are calculated later this week.

    I'm proud to live in one of the few States (NC) where both Senators voted "No" to giant amnesty.

    People who take issue with control of population do not understand that if it is not done in a graceful way, nature will do it in a brutal fashion - Henry Kendall

    End foreign aid until America fixes it's own poverty first - me

  3. #3
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    "This is our culture - fight for it. This is our flag - pick it up. This is our country - take it back." - Congressman Tom Tancredo

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