From: Roy Beck NumbersUSA <> Add
Date: 2007/02/14 Wed PM 07:40:27 EST

Subject: Fight Bank of Am. credit cards for illegal aliens

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 14FEB07 7 p.m. EST

Send this email far and wide for more Americans to cancel business with Bank of America


Forward this email to everybody you think might want to protest the Bank of America's latest program to improve the "quality of life" of illegal aliens in this country.

NumbersUSA will pay the phone charges, for as many Americans who wish, to send faxes off our website saying that they won't do business with Bank of America until it stops aiding and abetting illegal aliens.

Tell all of your friends to go to:

On the home page, they (and you) can click on FAX CONGRESS FREE to send a free protest fax to the Bank of America.

A large percentage of NumbersUSA's 250,000-plus members appear to be outraged at the news that the Bank of America is intentionally offering credit to improve the "quality of life" of illegal aliens. (You can see more detailed stories on our website.)

You have pressed us for two days to offer faxes to the Bank.

OK, but if you want to have any real effect on this giant institution, you are going to have to try to get tens of thousands of other folks to send faxes, too.

It is up to you whether this becomes a grassroots phenomenon or just another outrage allowed to pass into public acceptability. in this email:
1. Other ways to contact Bank officials

2. The Bank's side of the story
actions in brief:
1. Let others know of the free opportunity to let Bank of America know how they feel -- forward this email.

2. Please send a free fax to your U.S. Representative asking him/her to co-sponsor H.R. 938. It would eliminate Chain Migration which is the No. 1 reason immigration has quadrupled to more than a million a year from the 250,000 of traditional annual averages and the 1950s and 1960s. You'll see the free fax when you click to see the fax to the Bank.
donate now:
This faxing system is 100% financed by the voluntary generosity of the 250,000-
plus Americans who use it.

Please click here to make any sized donation to keep this grassroots phenomenon strong and effective.
how to reply:
Please do not click 'Reply' button to respond to this message.

To comment about this Alert or to request tech help, click here and fill out our Help Form.

Our staff mans the Help Desk 18 hours a day.


You can call:

* Toll-Free California: 1-800-622-8731
* Toll-Free All Other States: 1-800-432-1000
* Corporate Affairs: 415-717-0195

and write a letter:

Bank of America
Kenneth D. Lewis
Chairman, CEO and President
Bank of America Corporate Center
100 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28255


Bank officials have been quoted saying that they aren't trying to make a political statement on immigration policy but just trying to make a buck.

Money is their aim, they say, to increase profits by providing financial credit for what they call the great "untapped" market of potential customers among the illegal population in the United States.

"These people are coming here for quality of life, and they deserve somebody to give them a chance to achieve that quality of life," says Brian Tuite, the bank's director of Latin America card operations, who hopes the illegal aliens will be able to buy homes, cars, furniture and anything else it takes to settle down permanently in this country.

The Bank's effort directly undercuts federal Attrition Through Enforcement & Self-Deportation programs designed to make the quality of life low enough and uncomfortable and unpredictable enough that illegal aliens pay their own way to go back home.

Many in Grassroots America feel that the Bank of America needs to be made an example for the rest of corporate America lest the temptation of pure, unpatriotic greed drive other businesses to abandon the American people and the rule of law, as well.

Good luck in circulating this opportunity,

-- ROY

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