From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 17AUG05 1:30 p.m.

Help us capitalize on 2 Governors declaring illegal-immigration state of emergency


Please try to get talk show hosts and columnists to mention the petition to Pres. Bush at

You should just have received -- or soon will receive -- an email from us in the form of an ad about the declaration of states of emergency in New Mexico and Arizona because of the out-of-control flow of illegal immigration.

We are sending the ad to all 750,000 people who have asked to be on our EMAIL LIST. We're asking all to sign the petition and send the ad to 10 more people.

I am sending THIS Alert, however, to just the 104,000 of you who DO far more than read emails but who also take actions, including sending faxes.

To build a truly national bonfire under Pres. Bush to take decisive border action, we need to multiply our admittedly huge army to something far, far larger.

That will happen only if the petition campaign gets mentioned repeatedly by the local, state, regional and national talk show hosts.

..... and by people with columns in all kinds of newspapers and magazines.

..... and by people on hundreds of email networks and chatrooms.

..... and as links on thousands of small and large websites.

Whatever connections you already have, please use them to promote this petition at

The declarations of states of emergency have gotten a lot of media attention this week. We feel we can ride this news angle to focus more attention on solving the border part of the overall immigration problem.

Thanks for all help you can give.

Please email us and let us know what you have done.

Don't worry about repetition. Some of these talk show folks will not do anything until they've heard from scores of you.

No show is too small. No show is too big.

Many of you are approved to open a special page of talk show fax and phone numbers and email addresses. Try this link:


You can keep track of the petition success by going to the petition counter page at (or click on the counter link on the main petition page).

I can tell you that the last few days, the counter has been going up only a few dozen an hour (maybe one or two a minute).

Let's see if we can watch the numbers going up hundreds and maybe even a few thousand an hour!

There seems to be something kind of magical about one million in the eyes of the media. It would certainly add a lot of credibility to the effort if we can get 1 million signatures. We just crossed the 486,000 mark. Is it possible to find 1 million people out of 200 million or so citizens who care enough to sign this petition?

I hope so.

-- ROY

P.S. If you don't find the state of emergency ad email in your in-box, email us and we'll send you another one.