The other day in North Carolina, Obama was critical of McCain because McCain, while visiting Iraq recently, was confused about the differences between the Moslem groups of Sunni and Shiites.

Well, I say this to Obama: Why don't you go on national television and enlighten us non-Moslems about the differences between the two groups of Moslems named Sunni and Shiites.

Obama, I make the above statement for these reasons:

1. Your father and stepfather were Muslims.

2. This means that you were brought up in two households that
were headed by two different Muslims.

3. Surely, either your father or stepfather explained to you the differences between Sunnis and Shiites.

4. In addition, you lived for a few years in Indonesia with your
Muslim stepfather. As we know, Indonesia is a Muslim

5. Surely, while living in the Muslim country of Indonesia,
you had Muslim friends and classmates who told you the differences between Sunnis and Shiites.

6. So, Obama, why don't you go on national television and tell us
non-Moslems all about the differences between Sunnis
and Shiites, because you obviously know a great deal
about Muslims and their religion of Islam. mirse