Will Pelosi destroy all our efforts on govt. healthcare for illegal aliens?

Nancy Pelosi has NOT agreed to bar illegal aliens from government subsidized medical insurance

We Could Go from Victory to Wipeout if Pelosi Guts the Senate Safeguards Against Illegal Aliens

NumbersUSA members are the greatest! When we stand together, we can move mountains and rock nations.

Remember August and the Town Hall meetings? Members of Congress went home to their districts to talk up health care. What they got was a tidal wave of protest. Americans were livid that illegal aliens could be part of the new government health care program.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to back down. But when Rep. Joe Wilson challenged the President, Obama felt compelled to promise verification.

Then Sen. Max Baucus' committee wrote its Senate health care bill, which does include verification.

But these successes are very iffy. We will win on the illegals and health care issue only if Nancy Pelosi and the House leadership go along in the Senate/House negotiating committee.

Most of this will be decided in the next few weeks! As a NumbersUSA member, you know how legislation is more like sausage than steak. You and I might like or dislike the bulk of this new health care bill in Congress. But what we JUST CANNOT TOLERATE is government-subsidized health care for illegal aliens.

The key player is SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI.

Has Pelosi ever done one thing to earn our trust on immigration? No, obviously not. Over her career, she has earned an F-minus grade on immigration issues. So, whatever the White House and the Senate say, we expect a backstab from Pelosi.

But don't worry. We're not asleep. With NumbersUSA on the job, we can keep loopholes for for illegal aliens out of this bill. You've heard my prediction here.

Of course, my prediction will only come true if you continue to back us with donations, as well as well as your activism. We've only raise a third of our minimum budget this month! Can you believe that?!

I know we're in a terrible recession. Believe me, the banks have seized dozens of homes in my Virginia neighborhood. Jobs are scarce. But still, if we want to stop Pelosi, we have to pool our resources to send those millions of faxes. Our team of Capitol Hill experts aren't free. We have rent to pay, just like you.

Are we willing to pay a little bit this month to keep 12 million illegal aliens out of subsidized government health care FOREVER!

If you can do it at all, please hit that red button and pitch in again this month.

One more thing. I have received at least 200 emails from you guys telling me that I'm hopelessly naive about Pres. Obama. Many have said Obama doesn't care what the bill says about illegal aliens, since he's going to make all illegals into citizens soon.

Well, my response is that Obama will absolutely try to pass an amnesty if he can push through health care. He's already said so! But asking is not getting!

What NumbersUSA will do is stop Pres. Obama, just like we did Pres. Bush before him, from ramming an amnesty down our throats. We'll hold the line, but I do need some help from you this month.

Would you like some good news? We're winning on churches backing amnesty. You may or may not belong to a church yourself, but I'm sure you realize how bad it is for us if the open borders coalition can claim that practically all churches favor an illegal alien amnesty.

Read this week's newsletter to see how churches all over the place are making it crystal clear that they do NOT favor amnesty. Our members shook things up, and the churches thought about the matter a little harder. Chalk up another win for NumbersUSA. http://www.numbersusa.com/content/learn ... tid=254574

The Open Borders lobby is extremely well-funded by extremely wealthy foundations and corporations with very deep pockets. NumbersUSA is fortunate to have a few affluent supporters as well. Currently some of them have pledged themselves to match your gifts to NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation on a 2-to-1 basis. In other words, they are standing by to double-match your gift. Too good to be true? Well, it is true, and here's how it works.


Vice President, Operations

P.S. LOOK AT THIS, PLEASE: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.

Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209

received by e-mail from
Jim Robb NumbersUSA immigrationinfo@numbersusa.com
Fri, Oct 23, 2009 9:19 pm