February 3, 2006 Jeff Mundt
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Spokesman, San Diego Minutemen
(760) 758-0817

State Sen. Morrow Offers Support for Protest of Vista Day Labor Site

VISTA, CA - On Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006, the San Diego Minutemen and many concerned citizens of Vista and surrounding communities will be engaging in a rally and peaceful protest of the long-existing gathering of day laborers, primarily illegal aliens, in the city of Vista.

Today State Senator Bill Morrow expressed his support for this action in the following statement:

"Americans live under the rule of law. We must persuade all employers to hire only those workers who are in the United States legally and pay those legal workers a fair wage. We must enforce our laws. We must secure our borders. We must stem the tide of illegal immigration that is draining American taxpayers, overstressing schools and other public programs, suppressing private sector wages, and displacing legal workers.

“I support the local Minutemen from Vista and San Diego County who will be protesting the long-standing day labor site in Central Vista this Saturday. I have been assured this will be a peaceful and orderly sidewalk protest. I support the San Diego Minutemen because they have continuously presented themselves as citizens who honor the law, abhor racism, and responsibly express their concerns about an issue that threatens the sovereignty and well-being of our entire nation.â€