Major media Arriving at El Paso

About 10 Minutemen from California and activists from SOS are in route to El Paso tomorrow in order to be present on Wed, Jan 17th to stand with Ramos and Compean. It is a whirlwind, last minute, all volunteer, on a shoestring budget trip.

We hope locals and others from across the nation may join us in El Paso.

As it stands now, we plan on assembling in front of the El Paso Federal Building around noon on Wed. Jan 17th and would ask that anyone from Texas that can - join us!

We ask for All AMERICANS to go their Federal Buildings on Wed, Jan 17th at 12noon Texas time to protest across the nation.


All Americans/Californians are called upon to come to rally at the Santa Ana Federal Building at 1:00PM in support of Ramos and Compeon.

This is the exact time that they are giving themselves up volunteering to authorities for doing their job! We would appreciate all that could attend in their honor and to let them know that we will continue to fight on their behave. W

e will NOT STOP UNTIL THEY ARE PARDONED! Along with your BIG AMERICAN FLAGS, I would like everyone to bring a small American flag in their honor (you can find them at your local hardware store or drug store) that we can leave as a reminder to our Government officials (feel free to staple their names to the stick) as to the injustice that has taken place.

This is a defining moment in history as many Border Patrol agents (as well as the American people) will feel betrayed once Ramos and Compean are taken away to prison. Some of our patriots will be there in El Paso to protest this injustice! If you are not in close proximity to Santa Ana then please organize something in your community to protest this injustice. We the people must take a stand on this and stand our ground under the rule of law (because that is what Ramos and Compean want us to do). Do not do anything outside the rule of the law as it could hurt their cause/case. Let's see what happens and go from there...

The address is:

Santa Ana Federal Building
34 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Time: 1:00pm (Pacific Standard Time)