Last night at the SJC City Council meeting the Mayor and his court overwhelmingly, unanimously and with conviction voted to extend the lease for the CHEC organization to operate in a small neighborhood in SJC.

The CHEC organization, a Collaboration with Mission Hospital, The Mission at SJC, The city of SJC and the Capistrano School District, provides services of health, education and welfare to the predominately illegal alien population in SJC and all of Orange County.

The city council members expressed their disappointment and shame for the American members of the SJC community that oppose illegal immigration and are concerned for their safety.

Mayor Soto, expressing that his staff advises they found no evidence to support the claims of the citizens who came forward, one after another, to complain about the traffic, trash and strangers knocking on their door looking for the drug rehab, food stamps, rental assistance, etc., services provided by CHEC.

In Councilman Neilson's closing remarks on the subject, he invited the residents to come back and asked for an addendum to the motion, extending the CHEC lease, that requires the city council revisit this issue in six months to follow up with the residents to discuss the problems. Stating if CHEC does not follow the lease to the letter of the lease they could be evicted.

A good question is why would the residents be believed in six months and not now?

Each councilmember and the Mayor expressed the great job CHEC is doing providing services to the three illegal alien neighborhoods and Orange County and that it does not make a difference whether CHEC is serving illegal's.

The Mayor made it very clear that SJC is a sanctuary for everyone regardless of their legal status.

The Mayor has publicly opened up the City of San Juan Capistrano, in the same way the Mayor of Los Angeles opened the City of Los Angeles to out of control crime. The words "don't ask" and "I don't care what their legal status is" were said or implied by the Mayor and all of the councilmember's in their scolding of the legal, voting residents of SJC and their loving kindness and welcome of illegal aliens.

1. The Mayor of SJC sits on the boards of CREER as President, "awards scholarships to underprivileged Latino college students based on demonstrated need, receives some funding from the city of SJC;

2. the Mission San Juan Capistrano Finance Board as a Director, Catholic Charities organization and the CHO is part of the "Collaborative" board of CHEC;

3. Old Mission School San Juan Capistrano as a Board Member, once again involves the Mission, which is part of the Collaborative board of CHEC;

4. The Mission Hospital Latino Advisory Board, same as number 2 and also advocates for one group of people living in SJC, not the entire community;

5. his own organization, The Soto Company Scholarship Fund, stated organization on the Mayor's business website with no supporting information. The Mayor's organization's name suggest the mission is the same as CREER.

The Mayor of SJC is using his position, which should be to uphold the Oath of Office and the laws of the US. Instead he has invited lawlessness to the City of San Juan Capistrano just as Antonio Villaragosa in Los Angeles.

Please send this out to your email lists and ask that "We the People" start looking for new candidates throughout the US that will provide representation of "We the People" when entrusted with our votes.
