I am happy to report that 23 videos from Saturday's "March for America"
have now been posted on YouTube. What a fun and patriotic day, as we
celebrated what great ideals America was founded upon, and how she rose to greatness in the soup of nations upon on this earth

The "March for America" rally this past Saturday was our opportunity, as
Curtis of US Border Watch so elequantly put it, "to recharge our patriotic
batteries for our ongoing fight to save this great nation, and to be able
to pass down all that it ever was meant to offer its citizens, to our
children and they to theirs ..."

The Playlist of videos from Saturday (they are listed in chronological
order, and there are 3 pages of them, so don't be shy about clicking to the
"Next" page and watching more).

http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 258D4965B0

If you have over two hours to sit and would like to watch up to all 23
videos, in order, and without having to click each one. You can choose the
"Play All" option at this direct link:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Ck-H1M ... playnext=1

What a wonderful day it was to meet with like minded American
patriots. Sometimes we think we are too few, too alone, too individually
inconsequential to have a chance at righting this wronged ship of
state. With days like Saturday, I hope everyone can realize how untrue
that notion certainly is.


Additionally, this past Friday, the John Birch Society (South Texas Region)
had its monthly meeting in Houston, Texas. Gary Brugman was supposed to be present to give his story to the JBS'ers. As we all know, Gary has been ill of late. Ever present and energetic Curtis Collier came to the rescue, and tells the story of Gary Brugman .... (there are a few other videos from the JBS meeting worth watching; with updates on the Law of the Sea Treaty, the North American Union, and some other JBS related cool stuff). The link to the playlist is:

http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... C56D460874

(of course, all these videos and more can also be found at the JBS South Texas YouTube channel at

