Walter Moore for Mayor of Los Angeles

Particle Physics Applied To L.A. Politics

From Walter Moore

June 21, 2008

Remember "atom smashers?"

Those are the big machines, called particle accelerators, that physicists use to smash atoms into each other at high speeds. The physicists look at the bits and pieces that fly out, in an effort to figure out how they were put together.

Let me quote a physicist, so you'll know I'm not making this stuff up:

"It was often said in the early decades of high-energy physics that its basic investigative tactic was much like smashing two fine Swiss watches together in midair and then trying to understand how they worked by looking at the fragments."

Let's apply the same technique to local politics. Let's look at some of the fragments flying around today, and try to figure out how our city and state are put together:

Particle 1:
Mayor Villaraigosa is again out of town, in Miami, criticizing the federal government for conducting raids to arrest illegal aliens.

Particle 2:
Mayor Villaraigosa was out of town on June 3 and June 9 to attend fund-raisers for his reelection campaign in Chicago and New York, where developers who do business in L.A. have their headquarters (i.e., JMB Realty and The Related Companies).

Particle 3:
Villaraigosa and the City Council give hundreds of millions of your tax dollars each year to subsidize out-of-town developers' projects. City employees' pension funds, moreover, are used to invest in those same projects. (Today's edition of the L.A. Times/Hoy has a terrific article by David Zahniseron that very subject -- hidden under a misleadingly banal headline.)

Particle 4:
Today it surfaced that on January 22, 2008, the Acting Consul General of Mexico in San Diego sent a letter to Caltransto express his "surprise and consternation" that the agency allowed the San Diego Minutemen to participate in the "Adopt-A-Highway" program. You see, Senor Pineda feels that this group of American citizens has an "anti-immigrant sentiment." For some reason, he wrote his letter to Caltrans in English.

Particle 5:
A terrific young man named Jamiel Shaw, II, destined for college and greatness, is murdered by a gang member with a long criminal record, who was in the country illegally. Villaraigosa and the City Council, however, refuse even to consider denying "sanctuary city" protection to gang members. The local newspaper ignores completely the petition drive to change that policy. Instead, the paper publicizes testimony that the victim -- who had no criminal record -- was was friends with gang members.

Here's my take on our particle physics experiment: Villaraigosa and the City Council don't give a damn about you and me. Instead, they cater to the out-of-town developers who fund their campaigns. And if there is any conflict between Americans and illegal aliens, local politicians and the L.A. Times/Hoy will automatically, unhesitatingly take the side of the illegal aliens. Indeed, Mexico has co-opted our state and local government to such an extreme degree that even its low-level officials don't hesitate to call our state officials on the carpet for letting Americans exercise their First Amendment rights. Wow. How Vichy is that?

Fight back. Don't just get mad. Fight back: come to my Rally in the Valleyon June 28, bring a friend, get a bumper sticker, pick up the Jamiel's Law petition, and drop off a big fat check to help me pay for TV and radio ads. We can take back City Hall, but not by sitting around whining. We have to take action. The good news is, the action we need to take is pretty simple. You don't have to storm the beach at Normandy. You just need to write a check and help spread the word.