It’s past time for Congress to halt illegal immigration

I think it is time we ask Howard Coble, Mel Watt, Elizabeth Dole and Richard Burr what they are going to do about our borders and illegal immigration and what is their plan in the future for fighting the religious nuts that have, as its sole objective in life, to kill us.
They can answer in this paper. This paper is afraid to ask any questions.
Maybe we should equip everyone we send to Washington with a chicken suit and a parachute.
Everyone is evading the problem of illegals in this country from local law enforcement to federal law enforcement. If the elected officials do not have the determination to do something except lip service, then it is time for a change.
Our English friends seem to be on the verge of bailing out, cutting and running. They, like the French, have been too free with immigration and have paid for it. We have squandered what my father’s generation left us. I am old enough that it is not going to make a heck of lot of difference, but those who still have a lot of years ahead can pick their poison in the next election by sticking their heads in the sand and hoping all will go away.

They are wrong. Before they fall for the Democrat or Republican political pitch, they should ask the candidates to put forth their plan that is going to cure our troubles.