We heard yesterday that the DOT will be allowing 100 trucking companies to operate in the U.S. not 100 trucks. Which means unlimited Mexican owned trucks will be running our highways. Drivers were asking last night on a talk show. How long will they be driving in Mexico before they hit the U.S. and have to document hours? What kind of insurance and training will they have? Will it be compatable with what U.S. trucks are required. We have to carry 1,000,000 liability on ours. It cost a fortune. Fuel is cheaper in Mexico. They can drive a long ways and most won't have to buy fuel in U.S. they won't be paying high fuel taxes here in the U.S. that U.S. trucks have to pay here in the U.S. From what I gathered the law is in affect because of companies that have moved from U.S. to Mexico demanding that they be allowed to ship there stuff back here to the U.S. Maytag was one company mentioned. Drivers were asking if they will be bringing there own body-bags. We asked a trooper and a DOT officer how this would change their job. They said they weren't sure if they would even be allowed to ticket them! If they did it would be a mess. For our courts and their paperwork. They are already told to ignore the illegals remember! You think our highways are dangeroous now?