Both the current Mexican and the next American Presidential terms end in the year 2012. There are people who feel that if we want the illegals to come forward it would be worth while offering a carrot to those who have no other serious offense. If the person is Ted Kennedy the carrot is giving them citizenship. The coincidence that both Presidential terms end the same year is a prompt for a lesser carrot. An illegal alien willing to register themself with ICE might get permission to live in the United States until the year 2012 when they would have to go back to their home country and either keep living there indefinitely or join the general pool of people applying from there for their green card to immigrate.

Non registrants would be treated as rejectors of a generous offer and remain deportable. So that if a traffic stop were to identify a non registrant illegal alien they would then be picked up by that police officer and be turned over to ICE for deportation. Someone who was currently living here as an illegal alien but without any other serious offences who then registered would be eligible for a driver certificate under Real ID until 2012. That registrant would be able to remain until the year 2012 if it were only a minor moving infraction.