239,416 People Left California in 2005
Sunday 13 April 2008

Every year, for the past five years. close to 250,000 productive people have left California.

We have become a Third World State, very rich, very poor and illegal aliens. The middle class is scrambling to leave. All of this is due to high taxes, failed schools, clogged roads and regulations that strangle small business.

California is anti-family and pro-government—with its apparent value being that citizens are not smart enough to spend their own money or live their lives without government controlling them.

The stock market may be bad, by U-Haul is a stock to look at.

Get angry or get poor.

California Leavin’

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, 4/10/08

It takes a lot of public policy folly to persuade people to pack their bags and abandon California’s sunshine, 70-degree weather, scenic mountains, and beaches. But lately the politicians in Sacramento have proved themselves up to the task, say Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore in their study, "Rich State; Poor States."

Major findings:

o The latest Census Bureau data indicate that in 2005, 239,416 more Californians left the state than moved in; this was also the case in 2003 and 2004.

o The native-born outmigration flows have become so systematic that the cost to rent a U-Haul to move from Los Angeles to Boise, Idaho is $2090 — or some six times more that the cost of moving in the opposite direction.

What’s gone wrong with the Golden State? A big part of the story is a tax and regulatory culture in Sacramento that treats rich people as if they were cash dispensing ATM machines, say Laffer and More. The cost for businesses of complying with California’s rules, regulations, and paperwork is more than twice as high as other states. But the real growth killer is California’s steeply "progressive" income tax with 10.3 percent rate applied to high-income residents — the highest in the nation outside New York City.

o The richest 10 percent of earners pay almost 75 percent of the income tax burned in the state.

o Most of these "evil rich" are small business owners, i.e. the people who create jobs.

This has all been tragic because California has traditionally been a high-growth state — though there has been much volatility. During certain periods, personal income in California surges, while at other times California’s growth lags behind the nation’s. From 1975-1978 personal income growth in California exceeded the average U.S. personal income growth by nearly 28 percent, say Laffer and Moore.

Source: Arthur B. Laffer and Stephen Moore, "California Leavin’," Rich States; Poor States, 2007," American Legislative Exchange Council, 2007. To read or download the study (PDF) http://tinyurl.com/5ga4vu: