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300,000 Rally for Criminal Illegal Aliens, mostly Hispanics, and the RNHA remains silent!

Tony Dolz
March 14, 2006

300,000 Rally in Chicago for Criminal Illegal Aliens, mostly Hispanics, and the Republican National Hispanic Assembly remains silent!

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) is the leading national organization for law-abiding Hispanics whose loyalty is to America first and foremost. RNHA members are Hispanic but above all they are patriotic Americans and as such they must oppose both the violation of our immigration laws and the rewarding of illegal activity.

It was stunning to see 300,000 law-breaking illegal aliens making demands on the American people in the open without fear of arrest!

Why should they fear consequences when the Mayor of Chicago and other elected officials in and out of Illinois cuddle them? What if it had been 300,000 tax scofflaws, would that be acceptable?

At the opening of the debate on the Sensenbrenner HR 4437 Bill in the Senate Judiciary Committee, I received a broadcast email from Mr. Pedro Celis, the Chairman of the RNHA, telling us members about his support for Guest Worker Amnesty for 12 million criminal illegal aliens living in our country. Mr. Pedro Celis's vision of a reward is partial to Senator McCain's Guest Worker Amnesty that would allow 12 million foreigners who have already broken our laws to continue to live and work in our country. Would he do the same for tax scofflaws if they demonstrated in mass?

Mr. Pedro Celis, what part of “illegal” don't you understand?

It is illegal to:
  • Violate our borders
  • To over-stay a visa
  • To seek work when you are in the country illegally
  • To aid and abet illegal aliens
  • To hire illegal aliens
  • To work without a Social Security card
  • To work with a false or stolen Social Security card
  • To get a drivers license (in many states) if you are in the country illegally
  • To drive without a drivers license
  • To drive without insurance
  • To fail to report earning to the State and the IRS
  • To report earning under a false Social Security number
  • To feign state residence in order to avoid out of state tuition
  • To apply or receive tax-paid services to which only citizens and legal residents are entitled
  • To illegally return to our country after being deported
  • To hide in our country to avoid prosecution for crimes committed in a foreign country [/*:m:1kk397ed]

The IRS reported in 2005 that they had received filings with 9 million false Social Security numbers. There are 12 million and perhaps as many as 20 million illegal aliens in our country who are not eligible to get a Social Security card. Assuming that all 9 million false Social Security numbers on record were filed by illegal aliens, that leave 3 million aliens that are not reporting their earning to the IRS. Do they deserve the reward of being forgiven and allowed to live and work in the United States as if nothing happened?

UCLA conducted an in-depth study of illegal alien day laborers and the results were published in February of 2006. They found that illegal aliens were paid more or less minimum wage; that they were often cheated of their wages; and that they were physically and verbally abused. How much tax can an illegal alien pay when the earnings are minimum wage and they are not employed everyday? When the earnings are so low the tax is very low or nothing are all!

Mr. Celis, do you know how much does it cost the State of California to educate one child? The answer is $7000 per year! It is not uncommon for illegal aliens families in our country to have more than one child in our schools. The Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that there are nearly 500,000 illegal alien children in California schools. That is a $35 million theft of California tax-payer's money! The crooked employers who hire illegal aliens on the cheap pass these costs to you and me. That is only part of the real cost of “cheap labor”. According to a study by FAIR it costs California $10.5 billion to provide services to illegal aliens. It comes to $1183 per California household.

We have 12 million criminals illegally living in our country, who break our laws every day without fear of prosecution. They are being aided and abetted by those who see them as their “clients”. Those who see them as clients include political parties that want their votes once they receive “Amnesty”; they are some church officials who for years aided and abetted priests who illegally molested the most vulnerable and weakest among us, our children; they are immigration law attorneys; and they are the banks that take huge handling fees from the $57 billion in foreign remittances.

Our national security is at risk. Our government does not know who these illegal aliens are who are hiding in the United States . Do you remember Armando Garcia, the illegal alien who was caught and release multiple times for violating our border and eventually remained in Mexico to avoid prosecution for murdering Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff David March? Well, it works the other way. There are countless fugitive criminals from foreign countries who are in our country illegally and hiding from prosecution in their home countries. How many terrorist are among the 12 million illegal aliens who crossed our borders without identifying themselves? The government doesn't know either!

Mr. Celis, why in the world would you propose giving Guest Worker Amnesty to a single one of 12 million CRIMINALS illegally in our country now?

Our government has allowed 12 million to sneak into our country and hide. There are 500.000 that have overstayed their visas and our government can not find. 300,000 flaunt their disregard for our laws and demonstrate in Chicago without fear of arrest. So, assuming the Guess Worker Amnesty that you endorse becomes law, who is going to enforce it?

The Federation of American Immigration Reform states that, in a devastating new report soon to be released by the Government Accountability Office finds that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the agency that would be tasked with administering a new guest worker and illegal alien amnesty program, is plagued by fraud and corruption. The draft GAO report coincides with consideration by the U.S. Senate of several bills that would admit vast numbers of new guest workers and allow millions of people in the country illegally to acquire guest worker status. These bills also have the strong backing of the Bush Administration.

The forthcoming GAO report finds that USCIS cannot cope with its current workload, and that effective screening of people applying for immigration benefits is routinely compromised in the name of efficiency. More devastating, the GAO reports significant amounts of outright corruption within USCIS, including bribery and sale of green cards. If Guest Worker Amnesty as you wish it were granted the government is in no position to enforce it.

In order to provide a roadmap to successful reform, the following fundamental principles must be included:
  • Border Security: We must make an honest attempt to secure our borders through greater manpower and infrastructure resources - over and above what Congress has already authorized.
  • Interior Enforcement: No solution to illegal immigration will work until we begin to prosecute employers who lure illegal aliens into the U.S.
  • Enforcement First: No foreign worker plan can function unless we have operational control of our borders and unless we know who comes in and out of our country.
  • No Amnesty: Rewarding persons who have broken the law with an advantage that they would not otherwise have had encourages more illegal behavior and is unjust to immigrants who came to the U.S. legally. [/*:m:1kk397ed]

This is the oath of allegiance that the 12 million illegal aliens hiding in our country can not take because they have already shown their disrespect to our country and our laws:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic ; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

I am a foreign-born Hispanic, now a naturalized citizen. My wife is also a foreign-born legal immigrant. We celebrate legal immigration and oppose lawlessness. We owe our allegiance to only the United States .

Many Hispanics will demonstrate in favor of LEGAL immigration and border security and against ILLEGAL immigration at the “Reckoning at Crawford” in Crawford , Texas on May 6th. The event webpage is found at

I appeal to all RNHA members who in good conscience can not condone illegal activity, whether the criminals involved are Hispanic or not, to write me. We will ask Pedro Celis to reconsider his position. If there is going to be a Guest Worker Program it CAN NOT be applied to criminals already in our country illegally. Join me.

Tony Dolz

Candidate California 41st Assembly District

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