32% Angry About Immigration, but Not Mad at Immigrants
One-third of U.S. voters are still angry about illegal immigration, an issue that neither presidential candidate has made central to his campaign. But, voters blame Washington, not immigrants (see video). The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that along with the 32% who express "anger," an additional 27% are frustrated with the lack of action. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say it's just one of many issues they have an opinion about. Eighty-three percent (83%) of those angry about immigration direct their anger at the federal government while only 12% point towards the immigrants... At the same time, by a 56% to 27% margin, all voters continue to favor a welcoming immigration policy that would let anybody move to the United States except national security threats, criminals, and those looking to live off the U.S. welfare system.
15 Jun 2008 @ 05:02 pm
