Hot Off the Press: the Latest and Greatest I-9 and E-Verify News

by John Fayon August 8, 2011

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released the fourth edition of the E-Verify Connection newsletter which provides the latest announcements, enhancements, and information in the rapidly changing world of I-9 and E-Verify compliance. If you read our blog on a regular basis, you’re most likely already aware of many of these updates, which include brief write-ups on the E-Verify RIDE program, minor enhancements to the web interface, and updates to I-9 Central and the M-274 Employer Handbook. If these concepts sound completely foreign or if you’ve been out of the I-9 compliance arena for a few months, read-on for a more in-depth look at “What’s Hotâ€