By J.B. Williams
September 23, 2010

The socialization of America came out of the closet back in the mid-1940s when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed his Raw Deal making social engineering a primary function of the federal government. Since then, America has been on a steady decline, leaving behind the concepts of individual free will in favor of nouveau-collectivism – labeled progressive by the international left.

Today, as the Communist Party and Socialist Party learn to work inside our two party system via their collaborative effort, the Democratic Socialists of America and its legislative councils, the Progressive and Black caucuses, the Global Socialization of America is out in the open and a foregone conclusion.

I will demonstrate and document that three particular Democrats have done irreversible damage to the United States and the future of individual free-will. Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman… Jimmy Carter has held the title of America’s worst president for decades and Barack Obama has pretty much earned that title in modern history at this point.

However, combined, Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman are responsible for launching the fall of American free-will. Democrats like Carter, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are just modern followers of the Marxist ideologies put in place decades earlier.

Wilson introduced global socialism to America, along with the end to states representation and rights in the 17th Amendment and national taxation without representation in the 16th Amendment. Roosevelt established the nanny state and social engineering in America via his Raw Deal and Truman established the national/international intelligence apparatus that would be used to force global socialism on America.

Truman’s intelligence apparatus has since developed into the National Intelligence Council. According to council’s web-site –

“Associates are chosen from the ranks of academia, the corporate world, or think tanks and are experts on a particular region or transnational topic. The program provides an additional resource for analysts and decision makers to draw upon, both in times of crisis and during more routine periods.â€