This is translated from Telemundo. Notice the attidutes and justification illegal immigraiton. ... etail.html

Casts bring to light contradictions

PUBLISHED: 19 of December of 2006, to the 10:29 a.m. (center)
UPDATED: 19 of December of 2006, to the 10:51 a.m. (center)

GREELEY, Colorado -- Outside the court of the county of Weld, there is an retort of the Statue of the Freedom, the New York monument that offers protection to the immigrants who arrive at the United States.

But within the court a new symbol arose from the present debate on immigration: Five captured Mexican citizens in a cast made by federal agents in the refrigerator of the Swift company defend themselves of accusations of identity card robbery of Americans and to use them to find a job.

The scene is not only registered in this city of the north of Colorado. Also it happens in other parts of the United States, when scattering itself the reaction due to the 1,300 workers stopped in casts in refrigerators of Swift & Co. in six states.

In Greeley, the arrest of 261 workers separated many parents of its children. Neighbors, relatives and organizations of charity tried to obtain foods and to pay rents of families who were without the main sustenance of the home. There were many questions around the vast support offered to accused people to break the law. And still more questions around a system that at the same time compensates and punishes the illegal immigrants.

"it puts a human face to Him to the complexity of immigration", said Ernest Girón, of the organization of attendance Catholic Charities, in Denver. "What we are seeing here in Greeley it is how a law can cause a great impact in a community".

And in the end, in spite of the rage, and to the preoccupations, anything it will change much, foretold Wayne Cornelius, director of the Comparative Training center of Immigration of the university of California in San Diego.

Perhaps the neighbors of the place occupy during a time the positions that were left vacancies. But, according to he indicates, history demonstrates that the North Americans leave after few months disagreeable workings by which they receive insufficient wages. And when the agents of the service of Immigration go away, the undocumented people will return. Then a necessity of economic nature exists.

"the Americans do not hope that their children make that type of works", Cornelius said.

According to the expert, although the arrest of 1,300 undocumented people in a cast did not make an impression on the total population of immigrants, calculated in more than 10 million, yes demonstrated that the strict fulfillment of the law can cause serious contrariedades to the illegal immigrants.

And in means they were catched hundreds of spouses and children in Greeley.

"he is not honest to bring here these people, to pay wages to them and soon to throw them to kicks by political questions", said to the lawyer Robert McCormick, who represents some of the prisoners. "it does not have sense. There is a reason for which people come here. And that reason is the demand of workers ".

Karina Miranda is 24 years old and it married two weeks ago. His husband, Jose Mendoza, were stopped in the incursion. Miranda has remained with two children. It does not have use and practically it lacks money.

Like his husband, Miranda arrived at the United States of illegal way. He lacks documents to obtain a work or to visit the jail where his husband is lengthy.

Miranda said that of a single thing she is safe: if it must do it, will return to Mexico with his husband. And soon, all the family thinks to return to the United States, although she is of illegal way.

Even for those who work of legal way, like Evie Alexis Mezney, of 25 years, a worker of Swift, the cast has affected it. Mezney said that when losing suddenly to 261 workers, the company put red steering wheels in the doors, announcing to the workers that will have to work during the weekend, besides to continue with the extended turns of 10 hours daily that must fulfill now.

Mezney, that places fat animal in boxes and receives a wage of 11.75 dollars per hour, said that the task is exhausting, and the spirit in the plant sad and is extinguished soon of the levelling.

Outside the plant, the woman said, exists resentment. Some women whose husbands were arrested it have threatened not to leave the work like protest, said.

"It is that I need the money", indicated.

Be Conway, secretary of the senator of Colorado Wayne Allard, said that the legislated ones recognize that the situation is very complex. On the one hand, one feels pleased of which victims of identity card robbery could be vindicated by the arrests. But also it knows that a series of arrests is not the answer.

Conway said that the senator gets along with the families who have been separated due to the casts of agents of the service of immigration. But also it gets along with the victims of document robberies. The secretary of Allard said that when using the name of the Social Security of another person, cause damage to the proprietor of the card. The Service of Internal Rents can demand to those victims the payment of slow taxes by wages that never they perceived, remembered Conway.

"We have a really great problem", said Conway. "There are tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of citizens whom they ignore that they have removed its numbers to them of the Social Security and are being used for illegal intentions".

But for the relatives of the people stopped in the incursions, the greater affliction is than their homes have been fragmented.

The statue of the Freedom in miniature located in front of the court of Greeley, remembers much to the original one located in the bay of New York. What lacks nevertheless is the famous poem that adorns its base: "Dadme to your poor men, your exhausted ones, your hacinadas masses that sigh to breathe freely".

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