April 3, 2017
By Carolyn Bostick

An illegal alien from Spain was arrested Wednesday evening in New York Mills after a domestic dispute in the Walgreens parking lot on Commercial Drive, according to New York Mills police.

Investigator James Toomey responded to the dispute and found David Jimenez-Lara, 23, of Massachusetts, to be in possession of foreign identification documents, police said.

Investigator Toomey was told that Jimenez-Lara was staying with family in Yorkville and after further investigation by police, the Department of Homeland Security-Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Buffalo Field Office and Syracuse sub office, ti was determined that Jimenez-Lara had been illegally in the country since Sept. of 2014, police report.

Jimenez-Lara was taken into custody and transported from New York Mills to Syracuse for further processing, police said.
