Posted on Sun, Sep. 10, 2006


ACLU obstructing immigration laws at taxpayers’ expense

If illegals are here illegally and a city makes it illegal to illegally hire or house illegals because it’s legally illegal, doesn’t that make it legal?

The legally astute ACLU is legally challenging Hazleton’s legal laws, to render them illegal. Should that be legal or illegal? (Radical liberals, leftists, communists, radical socialists and atheists close your eyes for a second ...) Our nation of laws has stood the test of time because it has a common language, common defensible borders, and common moral principles derived from the free expression of Judeo-Christian beliefs. These are the basis of our laws. (Okay, you can open your eyes now ...) The ACLU seems hell-bent on destroying our nation’s fabric through extortion and intimidation. By applying pressure on municipalities and civil authorities who can ill-afford protracted legal battles, the ACLU typically coerces these entities to concede.

The ACLU legally disguises their strong-arm tactics via the judicial system, which although necessary in a free society, nonetheless constitutes only one third of, and does not adequately represent our majority form of representative republican government. Our nation has stood challenges by radicals, leftists, anarchists, radical socialists, separatists, communists, fascists, and (the latest) radical Islamic-fascists. This is another such test.

The ACLU is here to prostitute our legal system to protect not only the illegal alien who’s illegally here because they entered illegally, but a whole host of other freak, vile, miniscule minorities in the sub-strata of our society; citizen or not.

Even though I fully support the laws enacted by Hazleton, and I wholeheartedly hope they prevail, I have to be honest. The ACLU finances their work in part from awards granted from taxpayer money to defray ACLU legal costs. So Hazleton’s own legal tax-paying citizens are unwittingly contributing against their own hometown. Thanks to the ACLU, it would have been cheaper for Hazleton’s mayor to use public funding to finance his own personal language courses in order to give a speech on May 5th of this year in Spanish at the dedication of the banner draped on city hall proclaiming “Welcome to America!”

Dave Jacobs Nanticoke