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  1. #1
    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    California or ground zero of the invasion

    Agenda 21: Who Is The U.S. Senate Working For?

    Agenda 21
    Who Is The U.S. Senate Working For?

    By William Jud
    Jun 12, 2006, 13:49

    Hint: Not you.

    Recent legislative actions in Washington, D.C., raise the question of just who the U.S. Senate is working for.

    It obviously is not the American people who voted the Senators into office.

    A bill to permanently repeal the Death Tax was voted down 57-41 in a motion to invoke cloture. Sixty votes were needed to let the bill advance.

    There are enough Senators, 57, in favor of repealing the Death Tax. A minority of Senators, 41, were able to block the legislation from proceeding to a vote.

    The Death Tax penalizes people who are hardworking and successful, and who build viable businesses. When the entrepreneur who built the business dies, instead of passing along the wealth to the heirs the government steps in and takes half of the business as a Death Tax. Most businesses hit with such an exorbitant tax must be sold to pay the tax. That kills many such businesses and puts employees out of work. After paying taxes for an entire lifetime, the business owner is taxed again when he dies and the government steals half of a life's work.

    The other Senate debacle for American citizens is the Immigration bill.

    The Senate Immigration bill is straight out of the United Nations' Agenda 21 plan for ruling the world.

    There is Amnesty for all the Illegal Aliens lawbreakers who are here in violation of our Immigration laws. The Senate is trying hard to convince voters that it's not Amnesty, but that is what the Senate bill provides. Break the law, dig in and stay long enough, and our federal government will find a way to make you a citizen and bestow marvelous gifts upon you courtesy of American taxpayers.

    If the Senate bill becomes law, estimates are that as many as 200,000,000 additional people will come here during the next twenty years, almost doubling our population and putting severe strain on our resources. The estimated 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already here crowd public schools, have caused many hospital emergency rooms to close due to nonpayment for services, and furnish a full third of all prisoners in our federal prisons.

    Existing Illegal Aliens and the flood of future arrivals will automatically be included in our Social Security system. Mexican Illegal Aliens will be able to work here ten years and retire to Mexico with lifetime income from U.S. Social Security, including family Survivor Benefits.

    Illegal Aliens would get Amnesty and so would their employers. There will be no penalty assessed against businesses that now employ Illegal Aliens. All is forgiven. When Mexican Illegal Aliens demand higher wages the Senate bill allows employers to import more foreign workers to replace the Mexican workers. After a very few years, immigrant Mexicans will go on unemployment and their jobs will be filled by more new people imported from Somalia or Ethiopia or Sudan.

    Gone are the days when the world's best and brightest people came to America and created a 'brain drain' in foreign nations. Now the Senate wants to open our doors to the poorest, uneducated, and least productive foreigners who will depress our national excellence just by being here.

    Under the Senate bill, Illegal Aliens farm workers may not be fired and must be paid prevailing wage, which is more than many American farm workers are paid. Illegal Aliens' kids who go to college would pay in-state tuition, which is not available to children of American citizens who attend college in a state where their parents do not reside.

    President Bush and Congress have still greater ambitions. Our American borders are to be dissolved as these United States merge with Mexico and Canada to form a new nation, the North American Union, with a new currency, the Amero, based upon the Euro currency of the European Union.

    The problem of Illegal Immigration from Mexico would be ‘solved’ immediately by redefinition, by allowing unlimited migration within the North American Union just as movement of people is now unimpeded state-to-state within the United States. ‘Immigration’ would apply only to people entering from outside of the North American Union.

    There is a requirement for 'Harmonization' of the laws of these United States with the laws of Canada and Mexico. Harmonization will replace our Constitutional government with a new merged set of laws including laws from a Fascist nation, Mexico, and a Socialist nation, Canada. Regional governing bodies will be created that have jurisdiction over the U.S. Congress and the Supreme Court. All privately owned firearms will be confiscated. Latinos will become a huge ‘Protected Minority’ receiving top priority in employment, education, social services and government handouts. Negroes fret about demotion to ‘Second-Class Minority.’

    A Council on Foreign Relations document published in May 2005, titled 'Building a North American Community,' calls for border dissolution and creation of the North American Union to be in effect by the year 2010.

    This plan, hidden from the general American public, is the probable reason that President Bush is dragging his feet on Illegal Immigration control measures and is pressuring the House of Representatives to pass the Senate immigration bill. Support of Illegal Immigration is an inside job.

    Mexico is waging a successful war of invasion upon these United States, with the stated purpose of returning ‘Aztlan’ (Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington) to Mexican government ownership. Stated policy of the Mexica Movement is that "non-indigenous," white, English-speaking U.S. citizens of European descent have to leave what the Mexicans call "our continent." La Raza founder Professor Gutierrez, University of Texas, says bluntly "We have to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if worse comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

    U.S. Senators, members of the House of Representatives, and President Bush all swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    Obviously they are not doing so.

    Obviously, those elected officials are One World Government moles working to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and set up America as a subsidiary client state of United Nations World Government.

    Can you say TREASON? Say it again. Treason Treason Treason.

    The elections are coming soon.
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  2. #2
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    We are not suppose to mention the word, I will say "weapons" on this site, but since you did mention that they would be confiscated under the requirement of harmonization, I will say, let them try coming down here to okie and taking away the "weapons" from these crazy old redneck Indians down here! I can tell you, they won't be handed over quite so easily here as they were in Canada. I know just about every nook and cranny in these little old mountains here let them find me if they can, I say, if it comes to that!
    The part about not being able to fire the illegal farm workers, what kind of crap is that? It is exactally what caused the riots in France, this is America, who the hell is going to tell me if I hire someone to pick my lettuce (thank God I am plenty able to pick my own thank you)I can't fire them If I want to? Hide and watch!
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Coto's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Agenda 21: Who Is The U.S. Senate Working For?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian503a
    Can you say TREASON? Say it again. Treason Treason Treason.
    Hi Brian,

    hell yeah, I can say it. Treason Treason Treason!

    Quote Originally Posted by NittyGritty
    Hi NittyGritty,

    Any moderator, correct me if I'm wrong. Nitty Gritty, if I recall correctly, weapons have been discussed here, specifically

    Weapons and types of weapons that many illegals bring across the border with them.

    Weapons used by illegals in the commission of felony crimes (no end in sight to that one).

    Weapons used by Mexican soldiers escorting drug dealers across the border and thru private property of US citizens.

    Weapons used by Mexican soldiers to punish American property owners who try to stop the drug runners.

    Illegals have been given the "right to bear arms" given their relative diplomatic status. Meanwhile, high on Hillary's agenda, is to get the 2nd Amendment repealed.
    Don't believe it? Ask any NRA member.

    What part of "We don't owe our jobs to India" are you unable to understand, Senator?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    The UN is in fact having a meeting in NY in July to further their disarming of the world, well except for them.

    They have been successful in disarming citizens in other countries and their sights are now set on us.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Coto's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Hi dim1968 and NittyGritty,


    Ahem. I think we better start talking weapons.

    Found this - Illegals hired to work around NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by conservative voice
    Illegal Aliens Captured Working at Sensitive Weapons Testing Site

    What part of "We don't owe our jobs to India" are you unable to understand, Senator?

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    May 2006
    I am not at all surprised. Aside from being treasonous our government is nothing if not inept.

    Besides I think I am long past being the least bit shocked or surprised at anything our government does.

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