From: AP

RALEIGH, North Carolina - Leaders of historically black colleges say they’ll fight a reduction in a federal program they call a financial lifeline at a time of economic distress for the schools and their students.

President Barack Obama’s education budget, unveiled Thursday, included major spending increases in many areas — but didn’t include an extra $85 million that black institutions have received annually for the past two years thanks to a 2007 change to the student loan laws.


A program supporting Native American tribal colleges would also see decreased funding, while one for institutions serving large numbers of Hispanic students would see an increase from $93 million to $98 million. (more…)

People who are trippin’ over this really do not understand what the true nature of poltics.

Do you remember back in ‘07 when illegal immigration was the hot issue? Those who did not completely understand the complexities of this issue immediately made it soley about race by calling the pro LEGAL immigration crowd “racistsâ€