Scott Teter

War, economy, illegal immigration top issues of concern

Friday, July 11, 2008 10:20 AM EDT

Recent polling data from national firms shows more than 80 percent of Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction, while Rasmussen and Christian Science Monitor polls show public approval of the government and Congress has fallen to historic lows of 9 to 12 percent. Americans list their top issues of concern as the war, the economy and illegal immigration.

"No other issue illustrates the disconnect between American citizens and their government more than illegal immigration," said William Gheen of ALIPAC.

"Over 80 percent of Americans want our existing laws adequately enforced and that is clearly not happening. This means that We the People no longer control the policies of our government."

Americans are watching powerlessly, as the nation spins out of control and Washington, D.C., fails them on many levels.

"Many Americans are now living in a private hell with a loss of privacy," said Gheen. "These polling numbers would not be at historic highs and lows of dissatisfaction if the American people were truly being represented in Washington and truly had an impact on the policy decisions of the Executive Branch. Special interests are in control and they represent elite global financial interests, not the American public. We only hope that Americans can restore civilian control in D.C., before these destructive special interests bring further ruin and misery to our nation.

"There can be no freedom, security, or prosperity for America without self-governance and a functioning Republic."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is one of the largest grassroots organizations in America fighting for border security and immigration law enforcement. in an effort to peacefully reverse illegal immigration. ... lumn03.txt