All aboard the bailout bandwagon? Hell, no!
By Michelle Malkin
• September 28, 2008 12:34 PM

It’s full steam ahead for the trillion-dollar-plus bailout boondoggle. Washington is euphoric.

If you didn’t already have a sick feeling in your stomach all week, the photos of the late-night press conference announcing that a tentative deal had been struck should make your innards churn:

As I’ve said throughout this past year of stimulus-palooza giveaways: God save us from bipartisanship.

Nothing is on paper yet. The ACORN funding provisions have reportedly been stripped. But God knows what Pelosi/Reid’s draft bill writers will slip into this behemoth before the day is over.

I’d refer you to a copy of the bill, but…there is none.

And there won’t be one for taxpayers to read and analyze for themselves before the bailout mob rushes to pass this unprecedented “rescueâ€