By Frosty Wooldridge
January 26, 2006

If the United States Senate approves Bush’s guest worker amnesty, America shall suffer 20 million illegal aliens becoming U.S. citizens. That will change the DNA of America to resemble Mexico’s failed society. It will become our first step down toward a Third World country.

Mexicans will be able to ‘chain migrate’ entire villages into our country from the poorest, most uneducated peasants Fox can export to America.

They do not speak, act nor are they invested as American citizens. They represent the beachhead of an unarmed invading army of Mexicans colonizing America. They’re pushing us out of our homes and cities. They’re commandeering our school systems across America.

If Bush wins, America loses. If the senate passes a mass amnesty like the McCain/Kennedy bill, watch the deluge and lawlessness accelerate across our borders.

Sharon Barrett of Fort Collins, Colorado last week said, “We left California because you can’t drive safely without danger of being hit by a Mexican. Our kids couldn’t learn anything in school because of so much language chaos and functional illiteracy. We were vulnerable to home break-ins seven days a week. They steal everything that’s not tied down. They’re bringing the lawlessness from Mexico into the United States. We had to get out.�

What it means if the senate passes a mass amnestyâ€â€