By Frosty Wooldridge
June 1, 2009

The Denver Post in Colorado and numerous newspapers across the USA frequently publish stories on legal and illegal migrants struggling to make a new home in America. Those pieces, filled with sob stories enough to empty a box of Kleenex at a ‘chick flick’, provide the fodder for a never ending flood of immigrants seeking a better life.

But they never talk about the other side of the coin as those immigrants impact American citizens. Those papers talk about jobs taken from American citizens by legal and illegal immigrants. They fail to talk about the 32.2 million Americans living on food stamps or 14 million Americans unemployed because immigrants take millions of jobs annually. They fail to tell readers that taxpayers pay for the plane flights, resettlement costs, food, medical, education and housing for immigrants.

I’ve traveled in Nepal and Bhutan. Their cultures feature water buffalo for tractors and no electricity in their rural areas. They walk everywhere along with their donkeys they use for transport of goods. Melanie Asmar, former RMN journalist, reported that Som Baral from Bhutan, a teacher, now bags groceries at King Soopers. His wages and taxes cannot come close to paying for the costs of his daughter’s education in our schools. He and his family suffer with culture shock that few of us can understand. Let’s say you found yourself thrust from Denver metro onto a farm in Bhutan. How would you like to drink out of a stream, hoe for food and use an outhouse 100 percent of the time and no more TV or electricity? You would never see another movie. You’d go nuts in a week! Think how they feel changing from a farm, culture, language and family—to Denver!

Worse, we displaced a teacher out of Bhutan that impoverishes that country far more by taking an educated man away from his culture. Thus, both brain drain and leadership skills flit away into America where Baral stands at the bottom of the intellectual and economic rung. America creates a brain drain all over the world that impoverishes all those countries—leaving them with bankrupted educational systems and economies. In other words, we steal their best and brightest.

Asmar reported Columbian Josefina Castro said, “I like it here, but I want to go back to Columbia.â€