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Exclusive: Americans Fight Back On Illegals – Bravo!
Mike Cutler

Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: December 19, 2006

It is high time that Americans, so fed up with the federal government’s inability or unwillingness to move against illegal alien crime, stand up and fight it themselves…and as FSM Contributing Editor Mike Cutler informs us, they already have begun to do so with remarkable results. What does this mean? It means there really are actions we citizens can take to solve these problems. Read how right here.

Americans Fight Back On Illegals – Bravo!
Mike Cutler

By now the ICE raids on a number of facilities owned by Swift & Company in a number of states that resulted in the arrest of more than on thousand illegal aliens, a number of whom engaged in identity theft, has been reported throughout the country. In fact I have done a number of interviews on various radio stations around the United States and this past weekend I participated in a debate on MSNBC about these raids. A significant issue has emerged as a result of these raids and the news coverage that accompanied these field operations by special agents of ICE.

Simply stated, there is a clear nexus between illegal immigration and other crimes, especially identity theft. In order to seek employment in the United States, illegal aliens have often created fictitious identities including bogus Social Security Numbers. Consequently, some companies are now signing up to participate in the "Basic Pilot Program". This enables employers to check names, Social Security Numbers, dates of birth, immigration file numbers and other such identifiers against a government database in an effort to verify that an applicant is authorized to work in the United States. As a result of this, the aliens who lack the lawful authority to work in the United States have become more sophisticated.

Since a fictitious Social Security Number would set off alarms and advise the employer that he is lying about his identity, an illegal alien now purchases bona fide identities that include names, dates of birth and Social Security Numbers that all coincide. While this is a serious problem in and of itself, identity theft creates major headaches for the person whose identity is stolen. Identity theft is, in fact, the fastest growing white collar crime in the United States which causes me to wonder if massive illegal immigration might be behind much of this criminal activity.

Identity theft is also a matter of national security. Criminals and terrorists assume multiple identities in order to embed themselves in various communities around the United States, thereby enabling them to hide in plain sight. Multiple identities enable criminals and especially terrorists to cover their tracks and operate under the radar, and this is why the 19 terrorist who did such grievous damage to our nation on September 11, 2001 used some 364 separate identities as noted in the "911 Commission Report on Terrorist Travel." The increasing demand for stolen identities has caused a commensurate growth in the number of identity thieves who do not distinguish the nature of their clientele. They will furnish anyone with anything they want as long as the customer has the cash. This makes it all the easier for terrorists to find a vendor of stolen identities.

While we are on the topic of cash, it is interesting that a number of the employees who were fired by Swift & Company so that they could allegedly be replaced by illegal aliens who are willing to work for lower wages are now filing lawsuits under the civil provisions of RICO. In other lawsuits, competing companies have sought to use these provisions of RICO to seek damages from their competitors who hired illegal aliens to give them an unfair advantage in the marketplace.

This is an interesting strategy and one that I find encouraging. Our government has failed to secure the borders of the United States and so citizens of our nation filled the void by creating the Minuteman Project. Our federal government has failed to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States and so in many localities, politicians have enacted ordinances that addressed the illegal immigration crisis that they confronted in their communities. Now, once again, corporations and even former employees of unscrupulous companies are filling the void - created by our federal government’s lack of will to secure the borders and enforce the immigration laws - through litigation.

What the administration and the federal government won't do is beginning to be overcome by a broad spectrum of Americans who still embrace the "Can Do" spirit that built our nation. This could be the start of something big! (I certainly hope it is!)

Lead, follow or get out of the way! Contributing Editor Michael Cutler is a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies and a well-respected authority on immigration and border security issues.

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