America's Greater Need: Community Organizer or Commander-in-Chief?

Monday, 08 September 2008
By John W. Lillpop

This is not meant to demean those who work as community organizers. I am sure that most people so employed work hard, pay their taxes and child support on time (when possible), and are solid contributors to the greater good.

However, when it comes to protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and shielding 300 million Americans from harm, there is much more involved than doling out taxpayer money to homeless tramps, ex-felons, and felons-to-be in training.

As I understand it, Barack Obama has spent most of his 47 years as a "Community Organizer," working with unsavory characters like Weather Underground terrorist William Ayes, Islamofascist apologist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and “Tonyâ€