Stier: Amnesty Conspiracy Will Destroy America
By Dean Stier

Posted Jan 24, 2007

Several months ago, I wrote that 2006 would be the year of the amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. I truly anticipated that this sitting president, George W. Bush, his co-conspirators in Congress and their pals in corporate America would succeed in achieving this American tragedy last year.

I was encouraged that by the end of 2006, Bush’s planned amnesty, his so-called comprehensive immigration plan, never happened. It was better that no plan was approved at all than a totally stupid plan! By mid-year Bush and Congress were in so far over their heads with American Citizen’s discontent that our borders were still wide open, the situation in Iraq was rapidly deteriorating, the upcoming election in November and their Holiday vacations that they thought they better put on a little show near the end of the year.

Near years end, American Citizens were outraged that this President and Congress had failed to secure our borders against the perpetual invasion by foreign nationals. This outrage, which had built to a crescendo by the end of 2006, was resting heavily on their minds! Many in Congress were inundated with constituent complaints and it was getting worse with every passing day. The heat was on!

Bush and his co-conspirators managed to put on quite a show just before the end of the year to calm public dissent. The House passed the enforcement only bill. That was an encouraging sign but our hopes were dashed when it became bogged down in the Senate, much to Bush’s enjoyment. Subsequently, the border fence bill was passed by the Congress and Bush signed it before the end of the year. I think we all pretty well knew that the border fence bill was only a clever ploy since funding for the fence was not approved concurrent with the bill. All of Congress knew that the seven hundred mile fence would never be funded. However, they temporarily succeeded in pacifying the public.

Tragically, for the Citizens of the United States, Bush’s amnesty scheme was only delayed and is being rapidly resurrected by the same treacherous bunch in Congress for Bush’s signature this year. Now that Bush has the full backing of Congress for his amnesty and open borders scheme, this year will be remembered as the year that America was sabotaged by the traitors that we unfortunately elected to represent us.

This President and this One-hundred Tenth Congress have lost sight of American principles, values, rule-of-law and heritage. Unfortunately, the One-hundred Tenth Congress is now dominated by a strong contingent of traitorous individuals who wish to aid and abet criminal illegal aliens at the expense of American working class citizens and our country. Our Congress is permeated with individuals who do not believe in the rule of law, unless of course, it suits their personal needs. They will stoop to the lowest level to secure a vote and they value a vote over the security and safety of our beloved country. The Oath-of-Office means absolutely nothing to most of them. To them, like George W. Bush, the Oath-of-Office is just words on a damn piece of paper, sort of like the Constitution of the United States is to George W. Bush.

These traitors are about to embark on one of the most outrageous and tragic events in American History. These people will long be remembered as the President and Congress that brought the total overpopulation and the final destruction of America through unconscionable amnesty schemes for millions of invaders and their chain migration hordes.

There is no question in my mind that this pathetic, criminal Congress will pass many bills this year in favor of criminal illegal aliens which will wreak havoc on the American dream for all peoples of the United States and those who desire to enter the country legally. George W. Bush will sign any bill that is placed before him by this Congress as long as it furthers his goals towards amnesty for illegal invaders of America and his plans for his place in the New World Order.

America is rapidly approaching the last throes of death under the Bush administration and this Congress! Our values, principles, heritage and the future of our children have been and are being usurped by a President who values his dictatorial powers more that the country he was elected to serve and a self-serving Congress that has lost their way and their souls.

All that is left is for President George W. Bush to refer to Border Patrol Agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos and the rest of our Border Patrol men and women, who so valiantly serve America, as vigilantes.