Amnesty or Enforcement?
Posted by: Erebus in Bad Laws, Political

After reading Sanctuary or sovereignty on Michelle Malkin’s blog I decided to write and email the following letter to Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley.

Martha Coakley
1 Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108-1698

Madame Attorney General,

I am writing to you today to ask what your position is on the enforcement of immigration law in Massachusetts is. In the wake of the murders in Newark New Jersey it is clear to me that amnesty for illegal aliens with criminal records is a very dangerous position. Had those people been deported when they were taken into custody originally than those students would not have been executed and would be alive today. I want to know what you will do to prevent this type of tragedy from occurring in Massachusetts. Many other states have agreements with ICE that allows them to hold illegal aliens until ICE can pick them up and deport them. That looks like a great way to prevent such things from happening. Disallowing law enforcement to determine if someone is in violation of immigration law only tells that person that our laws mean nothing, as we don’t value them ourselves. How can we expect people that are coming to our country from other countries to respect any of our laws when they blatantly violate laws and we just release them?

Are you in favor of enforcing immigration laws or are you in favor of setting an example that our laws are meaningless? Are you in favor of deporting illegal aliens or in favor of risking further tragedies such as the one in Newark New Jersey?


I sent it via email and US Mail. I will post an update if I should get a response. The response I axpect will be a “Not My Jobâ€