Govt report on MS-13 in Charlotte, NC

According to investigators from the Fayetteville Police Department, Raleigh Police Department, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, law enforcement became aware of MS 13's presence in North Carolina in 1999, when approximately 12 members were identified. Brian Sanchez, aka Christian Flores, is the alleged leader of the North Carolina MS 13 clique.

According to law enforcement, many of the members operating in North Carolina claim that they joined the gang while in their respective country of origin. Some also claim to maintain close liaison with gang and family members in their country of origin.

Criminal activities include manslaughter, murder, armed robbery, burglaries, rape, drug trafficking, alien smuggling, and prostitution. Source information indicates adult women are being smuggled into the US from South America under the pretense that they will be provided legitimate jobs; however, they are forced into prostitution. Information indicates they are initially taken to New York and then transferred to prostitution houses in North Carolina.

The gang is allegedly conducting meetings where dues are collected and used as bond money for incarcerated members. Unconfirmed reporting also suggests that some MS 13 members may hold legitimate jobs, working as contractors and grocery store clerks.

MS 13 in Charlotte appears to be targeting 18th Street, 42nd Little Criminals, SUR 13, and Brown Pride members. Rivals of the MS 13 clique in Durham are SUR 13 and United Blood Nation. MS 13 appears to be aligned with the Orphans, and Orange County, California based gang, and the Mad Hondurans (MH). Charlotte's Honduran and El Salvador population has divided in that some Hondurans allegedly separated from MS 13 over a disagreement and formed MH.

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