I received this letter in my email today from Mayor Barletta.

On July 13, 2006, the City of Hazleton made history.

City Council passed an ordinance that intends to make Hazleton one of the toughest places in the country for illegal aliens by fining landlords who rent to and companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

After suffering through several high-profile crimes involving illegal aliens, we've sent a clear message that we've had enough. Hazleton is working to take back our streets, our neighborhood, and our community.

But there are those who are trying to stop us.

Several groups have come forward to say Hazleton doesn't have the right to protect itself.

They've said that suing Hazleton will prevent other elected officials across America from enacting similar laws in their own towns.

Some in those groups have also boasted they will take us to court and bankrupt the City of Hazleton, both to punish us for enacting this ordinance and to send a signal to other communities across the United States.

We're not going to be bullied.

That is why we created the City of Hazleton's Legal Defense Fund.

We believe our ordinance is legal. We believe it will stand up to judicial scrutiny. And we are willing to take the fight to save our city to the highest courts in America.

We need your help.

Your contribution will help us win this fight.

To help, send a check or money order to: City of Hazleton Legal Defense Fund, c/o Mayor Lou Barletta, City Hall, 40 N. Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201.

To use a credit card, log on to www.smalltowndefenders.com and follow the directions provided.

Take a stand and join the fight for Hazleton.

If they stop Hazleton, they may stop your community next.

Become a Small Town Defender.