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Americans Standing Tall, a local group fighting illegal immigration, petitioned the Cape Coral City Council and the Lee County Commission today, asking for help.

With 700 signatures for Cape Coral and 1,000 for the county, the petition asks that:

* Businesses that intentionally hire illegal aliens be denied a permit and be subject to fines

* Landlords who knowingly rent or lease property to illegal immigrants be fined

* No city or county services, except for emergency, be provided to anyone who is not a U.S. citizen

* The city and county declare English the official language on all documents.

"We feel it's incumbent upon us as Americans Standing Tall and over 700 people and then some to tell a city government, 'Wake up, people. We want something done,'" said Tony Maida, a Cape Coral resident and co-founder of Americans Standing Tall.

Maida said the federal government has not done enough to stop illegal immigration, so it is up to the local governments to get the job done.

"For a city to pass the buck to the federal government, they are shirking their responsibility," he said.