by Resa Kirkland
ARAFAT LIVES! Alive And Well in Mexico
March 30, 2006 08:22 AM EST

Apparently, he had to move there after faking his death—I guess. But it makes sense, after all, if you know that Mexicans are the Palestinians of America! In Mexico he has apparently built a following of the same lame-brained, easily-led sheep he’d fostered for decades in the non-existent land of Palestine.

This time, however, Mexico is a real land. We know because we’re forced to deal with their illegal fall-out every day. We know because we’re forced to press the number 1 key on our phone if we want the message to be in English; otherwise it commences in Spanish. We know because Walmart has as many signs and products in Spanish as they do in English…a balance that is beginning to tilt toward Spanish more and more of late. We know because we beat them like they stole something in the Mexican-American war 160 years ago. And that beating is the source of their recent temper tantrums and childish posturings we’ve been forced to witness.

How reminiscent of the Middle Eastern Palestinians this has become! After all, they are against rules of decency, against logic and reason, are for committing crime after crime against a neighbor whose hard work has managed to make them wealthy in stark contrast to themselves. Rather than admit that they are backward and behind and raped of their prosperity by a wickedly corrupt government and a people too busy screaming and throwing rocks to better themselves in the land of their birth, they demand we do that work for them.

You know, illegals really are like the Palestinians—evil, pathetic, and in complete denial of their own wretchedness to have the risco to make the land they’re already in better. In their warped thinking, it’s easier to force a neighbor into submission than it is to admit they’ve been a miserable failure at building a great and good nation thus far. Why overthrow your own heinous regime when you can just walk across the border and get more while giving less? The inherent laziness, take-the-easiest-way-out-possible side of mankind couldn’t be more evident than the illegals and Palestinians have made it.

So they take to the streets and march, demanding, like Islam, that we turn the clocks back and do as they say. They want the land we won in that long ago war back.

They’re clearly insane; or horrifically brain damaged; or both. Yep, I’m going with both.

I’d like them to show me one nation on earth that has willingly given back land that it won fair and square in a war. They can’t. Here’s another thing they can’t do. They can’t name a single nation in history besides America that has ever fought a war where they haven’t overtaken and annexed the country they battled with. The unconditional surrenders of past wars gave America the right to do whatever it damn well pleased, but did we take over Germany or Japan? No. Our communist allies took half of them, but we—who most certainly could have—did not. If Mexican submission was our goal in the war 160 years ago, why is there still a Mexico? Why doesn’t America go all the way down to Central America? I’ll tell you why—because our goal was not to overtake their land, but to finish the expansion of our own from one ocean to the other. We didn’t spread through Canada or Mexico because we are a fair and just nation; we knew we had enough, and we stopped the fight and began fervently building the greatest land in the history of the world. We don’t want their piss-hole of a nation, so why do they want ours so badly? Because the hard work of building up, of establishing military might and power world-wide is already finished. They want the bread without having put any effort into making it.

They’re even too retarded to see the multiple flaws in their arguments, such as the fact that America was built on immigration. They take a partial truth—just like Islam has tried to do—and twist it into a lie. The vast majority of immigrants who came to America during its large worldwide invitation CAME HERE LEGALLY; a fact that illegals ignore with impunity. In fact, those immigrants spent months at Ellis Island in quarantine, having their health, their mental fitness, their mentalities and abilities thoroughly examined before they could even be considered. They had to first learn English and study American history and politics, have a working knowledge of the Constitution and capitalism, learn our laws and our ways and agree to abide by them, have some skills and a plan, know where they were going and how they were going to get there. They had to assimilate and cooperate, and they did so because they wanted to be Americans and leave behind the land they left. There was no just walking in here and taking without giving. If these standards were good enough for past immigrants, why aren’t they a requirement for Mexicans?

We’ve already acknowledged that life in Mexico sucks. We already know that there are many Mexicans already here; we just don’t want them. Let me say it again: WE DON’T WANT ILLEGAL ALIENS HERE. There are several reasons why, and given our television mentality, I’ll present it as the TOP TEN REASONS WHY ILLEGALS AREN’T WELCOME IN AMERICA:

10. You have shown that you are more than willing to break the law, and involve your children in doing so. This is a red flag, and no amount of rationalization changes that fact.

9. You refuse to acknowledge the logic of the fact that America the country is finite; there is a limit to what we can take as a population. This shows you to be a poor people with whom to try to reason and work.

8. You abandoned your land because of poor living conditions, but see no problem in turning America into Mexico take 2 by your massive numbers and by lowering the standard of living for those of us already here. Again, this lack of reasonable intelligence is a problem for a land that deals greatly in the areas of logic and reason.

7. Your biggest justification seems to be that there are already so many of you here, so we should look the other way. I’m sorry your mothers failed to teach you the time-tested adage, “If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?” Your mothers’ failings are her own…we are not responsible for it, and you need to grow up.

6. THIS IS NOT MEXICO. You lost the war 160 years ago, and with it you lost the land. You are just going to have to finally get over it; those states are ours, and have been for a century and a half. You are NOT going to get them back, so suck it up and grow up.

5. You have proven that when the going gets tough in your own land, you will abandon ship rather than fight for what is rightfully yours. We don’t need anymore fair-weather Americans; the halls of Congress are already lousy with those types. That is weak and pitiful, and we don’t want such easily-swayed fools here.

4. You appear to love the concept of America, but are unwilling to demand that the land of your birth change to the people’s will. This shows a lack of resolve, patriotism, and willingness to put your money where your mouth is. That makes for a lousy American; how can we count on you to fight for us when you weren’t even willing to fight for your own land?

3. You are only too willing to throw the word “racist” around, and America has been decimated enough by the unreasonable power that education, hippies, and the Hippy Press have given that word. It is a gutless attempt to disarm Americans, and it won’t work. There are simply too many of us who have chosen to give that word no power anymore.

2. The MinuteMen are growing, and the more you rally, the faster they grow. This is not a threat, it is a promise. Americans, unlike illegals, will fight for their land. You need to go home and study that concept, and then have a “chat” with Fox.

1. And the number 1 reason that you aren’t welcome here? Because it’s wrong. It’s wrong to break the law, it’s wrong to demand what is both illogical and unreasonable, it’s wrong to abandon one country and then demand that your new one submit to you rather than you to it, and it’s wrong to suck our welfare and education programs dry just so you don’t have to face your failures back in Mexico. And make no mistake; Mexico’s current status is the fault of a people who have done nothing to change it. That is despicable.

So while the ghost of the world’s greatest terrorist—Arafat—haunts your homeland, the time is fast approaching when you need to again be beaten like you stole something. But someone should have told you: WE DON’T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS; WE HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM. Illegals, you have aligned yourself with terrorists—you are now fair game in the war on terrorism. That’s right, I said it. Whatever it is you’re here to steal, it’s NOT going to be America. Unlike you, we will fight for our land.

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.