Another liberal state set to crash

January 3rd, 2010
Posted in Economics, Immigration

Arizona hosts enormous illegal immigrant population

Today’s feature article by Dave Levine relates to Arizona’s imminent crash.

It is so sad to see state after state unable to pay its bills. And yet, as the article Dave links to points out, the people of Arizona voted for programs they can’t pay for, and these programs are entitlements which are not optional.

For those who don’t know why this is happening, you need to bring yourself up to speed on the radical Cloward-Priven strategy, which aims to force Marxist change by killing capitalism with crises, creating demands that can no longer be met, forcing societal collapse.

This has been the Democrats’ underlying strategy for years, but Obama has brought it on in spades, doubling the national debt in just a few months after his election, making us beholden to China, an enemy of our way of life.

This video is a reminder ... nnSTCVideo of how bad off individual states are. Note how the CNN reporters are too polite to mention the huge amounts going to illegal aliens and the fact that many of them are working without paying taxes. This kind of niceness is killing America, as shown by this study summarizing the costs of illegal immigration just for Maryland alone. ... isfaction/

At some point we will either face up to the real harm done by our open-borders policy and knock off the PC dance around the issue or we will perish.

Oh, and let me remind you that the Democrats will be pushing a new amnesty bill ... -2010.html very shortly. This is even more important than the health care reform bill. It absolutely must be stopped, and you can help stop it like you stopped the Bush amnesty. ... -to-crash/