here is my problem as i see it now.

Im not dem. or repub. Throw me in the independant voter category.
Now what i want to know will weigh heavily on my decision to vote.
So here goes...

Number 1, I see both of you pandering to the hispanic votes and promising immigration reform that will allow 20-30 million illegal lawbreakers STAY in the US and eventually be given citizenship.

Now I know that in Summer of 2007 the American citizens crashed the capital hill phone system and said "NO WAY" do we want lawbreakers given amnesty or citizenship. But now, apparently someone has forgotten what the american people did and what we will accept and not accept.

Why continue to pander to latino's and promise something you might not be able to deliver? if you think the Americans will accept this, you are sadly Mistaken.

I know both of you will be speaking before the National Council of LaRaza here in a couple of weeks in san diego and I ask you to cancel your speaking engagement with this group.
Let me tell you about this group. first of all, LaRaza in english means the race. and their motto is "for the hispanic everything, for everyone else, nothing"

NCLR is a race based, ethno-centric special interest group lobbying for amnesty for 20-30 million illegal Mexican and Hispanic citizens. They advocate illegal and unlawful behavior by foreign aliens. They are considered a hate group by many for their vile hate, lies, and slander towards American citizens and media talk show hosts calling for secure borders and immigration law enforcement.

Now is this really the kind of group you want to be pandering too? they are for the takeover of the american southwest and claim that it still belongs to mexico. Members have actually assaulted and been charged with assault on Minutemen Members in southern California who protest day labor sights, or those who sit on the border and observe. Is this what we really want this country to become??? I dont think so.

The majority of Americans far outweigh the minority of the latino and hispanic vote. SO start looking out at the big picture and the majority instead of the minority.