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    Senior Member ruthiela's Avatar
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    PART 4 of 11

    By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D
    July 16, 2006
    This commentary of four articles in Part II, of a total of 11 articles centers on the facts and statistics surrounding the invasion, and how it affects our country. None of the articles dealing with illegal aliens is not meant to be hate; it is simply this author's suggestions for handling the issues presented and solving them in a fair manner.

    Battering American Citizens
    What the illegals don't understand is that, quite simply, this is OUR country, our soil, our Constitution. Stampeding the streets in protest with Mexican flags in a "Reconquista de Aztlan" proclamation infuriated Americans. Their tactic then was to march with American flags, claiming they too are one of us. And don't forget the insult of their raising their flag first on American poles, and belittling our Stars and Stripes by placing it under theirs, or not flying it at all. And they want harmony? They don't want to be Americans. They don't want to improve relations or better our country; their desire is strict selfishness in wanting everything free we have struggled and fought for, often at a cost of beloved lives. They don't even belong here unless they apply for citizenship like every other immigrant has in the past. With our American ire ever increasing over their destruction of our jobs, our land, our rights, our sovereignty, the illegal aliens plan on revenge, even making us grovel. To show their muscle, via "ANSWER--an offshoot of the International Action Coalition (an anti-capitalism group founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark)" [1], they've put us through their march of charades, with the intent to break down all of America's operations through a boycott.

    Their "Great American Boycott of 2006" on May 1st to bring we Americans to our knees wasn't so "great" after all; instead it only hardened us all the more. "The boycott, according to the Coalition, [meant] no work, no school, no shopping, buying or business as usual [2].

    Now they're planning more:

    "'We need to take this critical mass and organize it. Marching is not enough,' said Armando Navarro, coordinator of a Southern California umbrella organization that helped plan May's boycott. 'We need to harness this power'" [3]. One of the movers and shakers, who is a member of ANSWER's Los Angeles steering committee, Juan Jose Gutierres, who also co-chaired the LA march, said, "We are a people of dignity, and we demand [author's emphasis] respect…this is the beginning of a movement that is going to call for a national work stoppage" [4]. If that was the "beginning," then we should have made it the "end." Enough is enough.

    I say that those educational institutions that encouraged students to miss classes and protest, those Americans who marched with them, and those businesses that closed down to allow the illegals to march, should all be held accountable and penalized. Why wasn't ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) out there, arresting the illegals? There couldn't have been a better opportunity for them to round up, arrest, and then deport all the illegals in the country at one time. Instead, our NWO police forces, our "kind" government, and our empathetic Americans not only allowed them to disrupt our lives but also accommodated and encouraged them. The illegals have been well trained in how to beg the Americans' sympathy for them…they are a superbly coached mass who are-as they say-demanding rights they have not earned. And with legislation on the move to give the aliens American subsidized college tuition when our own citizens who want to better themselves can't even afford to knock on the doors of community colleges, the tension between the illegals and the citizens will rise to fever pitch, perhaps resulting in Civil War II, and if that's what it takes for Americans to keep our homeland, then that's what we must do: Fight!

    The unworthy excuse we are given that aliens are only taking jobs Americans won't do is unfounded and ridiculous. It's true that Americans won't allow themselves to be exploited, but if they are paid fairly, they will do the work. After all, before the rush of illegals into our country, jobs were getting done by Americans that illegals are now doing for much cheaper wages.
    "Prior to 1965[5]when the disastrous Immigration Bill was passed…our grass was getting cut, our meat was being packed, our children were being watched and our houses were being cleaned. The idea that somehow we suddenly can't run a country without an unlimited supply of foreigners is absurd. Those in favor of foreign labor [don't realize that illegal workforces] come at the American tax payer's expense…[who] is virtually subsidizing the labor costs of the greedy corporations by supplying the illegal foreign workers and their families with welfare, free education, free medical, WICs, housing assistance, etc … [6].

    Unless illegal aliens are using fraudulent social security numbers or long expired visas and cards, or government assigned ID tax numbers, most do not pay taxes and thus should not be recipients of benefits allotted to rightful American citizens. The illegals are not financially contributing to America's medical system (hospitals, doctors, clinics), or our schools, or our welfare/assistance programs, but yet are given treatment, education, and financial assistance at Americans' expense. Mothers and their anchor babies, in themselves, have closed many medical institutes because our clinics and the like could no longer afford to give out free care. Ask Americans what their chances are for getting medical treatment if they don't have insurance. And don't forget what it costs our country in writing and printing everything in Spanish or other foreign languages.

    Wouldn't legal immigrants from other countries appreciate that? In fact, wouldn't Americans who can't read and would like to learn appreciate that? Besides anchor babies, the issue of birthright looms large: "The United States currently grants automatic U.S. citizenship to almost all children born in the United States, regardless of whether the parents are U.S. citizens, legal residents, temporary visitors, or illegal aliens in the United States. Some 380,000 children are born in the United States each year to illegal-alien mothers, according to U.S. Census data…"[7]. Now isn't that a kick in the pants?

    As I write this, I am furious over what these illegal immigrants are doing to our America, but I have stopped writing many times while composing and rewriting, revising, this article to cool off, gain perspective, and attempt to voice my unhappiness from a rational point of view. So, let's now look at the facts, but bear in mind that no sooner do I pen these statistics on paper, that in reality they are changed because the illegal influx and the problems caused by them increases daily. Some numbers seem to contradict each other but this, too, is a result of our not being able to get a good grasp on how many illegals are truly here and what the ramifications of their presence result in. Also bear in mind that any statistics that are noted may be off the mark because not everything gets accurately reported. If you were a corporation, for example, that hired illegals at cheap pay, how accurate would your reporting be? The government gives us one set of statistics (usually lower) and researchers, sociologists, and professors give us differing stats. Who to believe? For part 5 click below.

    PART 5 of 11
    By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D
    July 16, 2006
    Here are more facts regarding the demographical and statistical impact on American citizens by illegal immigrants. This is the second of four articles in Part II, of a total of 11 articles.

    Looking at just the year 2004, Newsweek reported the Latino surge at 40.5 million compared to 9.6 million in 1970 [1].
    Between January and March, 2005, 7.9 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the country, making it the highest five-year period of immigration in American History[2].

    Of adult immigration, 31-percent have not completed high school, which is three-and-a-half times the rate for natives [meaning American citizens] [3].

    Immigration accounts for virtually all of the national increases in public school enrollment over the last two decades. In 2005, there were 10.3 million school-age children from immigration families in the U.S.[4].

    The projected population by 2020 of the U.S. with immigration will rise to ~343 million, as opposed to ~301 million without immigration[5]. The author of this series of articles believes this is a conservative estimate.

    States with the largest increase in immigrants are California, Texas, Georgia, New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington, Virginia, Arizona, Tennessee, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Mississippi [6].

    Numerous underground tunnels have been found for smuggling “Who knows what” across the borders [7]. This is often a method for drug and human conveyance from Mexico into the States. And 75% of all illegal drugs come across the border from Mexico at a net cost of $120 billion annually [8].

    In 2004, four L. A. hospitals went bankrupt and closed their doors because they were forced by law to accept non-paying illegal aliens as patients, but nonpaying U. S. Citizens could be denied treatment [9].

    The video, “Aztlan Rising”[10], gives a pretty good picture of what’s going on. It provides these details and confirms other statistics in this article[11]:

    Our country is experiencing a 42% increase in birth rate due to illegal aliens having their children here (CIS, 2005).
    31% of Mexican housewives are on welfare, costing us nearly $70 billion in social services for them. And over 42% of all Mexicans here—nearly half—are on assistance paid for by Americans.

    44% illegals from ages 0-16 have no basic English proficiency skills (U.S. Department of Education; December 2005).
    92% of the cocaine in our country come from Mexico, and 65% of meth and marijuana are brought into our country the same way.

    Illegal aliens make up about 3% of our population and yet over 30% of them comprise our prison population.
    Free medical care to the illegals closed 60-plus hospitals in California alone since 1993, and more are closing as this very article is being written.

    Illegal children have created a 93% rise in public school population, and cost public schools annually nearly $30 billion (Bureau of Statistics, 2002).

    Through sympathetic Americans and illegal fraud and forgery, alien criminals come to this country where, in 2005, alone, they committed 1,800-2,500 murders (Mac Johnson, Human Events 2005). For example, Jose Sosa, age 16, brutally stabbed to death a Nashville woman and her daughter in April 2006, and Sosa now sits in a juvenile detention center. Reports state that he had been caught coming into the States illegal, then was detained and fingerprinted, and later deported. He re-entered un-obstructed later [Read].

    Three feet from the Mexican-American border is the town of Colonia Libertad, which is the most violent place in all of Mexico.

    Al Qaeda leaders have met with Hispanic gangs to plan terrorist attacks against the U.S (Washington Times, 09-28-04).
    Mexican military units have crossed into America 216 times since 1996 (Washington Times; 01-17-06).
    If permitted, and if they had the means, over half of all of Mexico’s population—50 million—would move to the U.S. (PEW, August 2005).

    $60 billion are earned by illegal aliens each year, of which nearly $14 billion or more are sent back to Mexico yearly (Sept. 25, 2002 NPR report).

    Only 36% of Mexicans view Americans favorably; 73% say Americans are racists; only 16% say Americans are honest (Zogby poll, 03-2000).

    And Liz Michael writes that [12]:

    Thirty-six to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare [resulting in the average Mexican illegal alien costing U.S. taxpayers a whopping $55,000 each.

    “As many as 1,500 illegal immigrants cross the reservation each day, leaving more than 4 million pounds of trash a year,” according to a June 2004 Government Accountability Office report[13].

    Eighteen million Americans cannot find a job [because illegal aliens have them]. There are not very many jobs around that Americans will not do. So illegal aliens who are coming here to work do so at the peril of American workers.

    Reporter Stuter [14] gives us some added factual insight into life with the aliens:

    A recent Pew Hispanic Center study shows that of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country, 3% provide stoop farm labor; the other 97% are taking jobs away from Americans in the fields of construction, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurant, and administrative and service jobs…in real terms that equates to 11.64 to 19.4 million jobs that Americans want and need…[and yet employers who pay less money to the illegals] charges the [consumers the] same prices as though he were [paying Americans for working]…[with] the profits going into the employers’ pocket [15].

    The violent street gang Mara Salvatrucha 13 (M-13) arrived in our country from San Salvador by way of Mexico… [and] is well-known for targeting and killing law enforcement personnel. In early 2005, there was believed to be 5 to 6,000 M-13 gang members in Washington, DC and adjoining communities in Virginia and Maryland. This is just one area of the United States….[one M-13 member confronted a White American, wanting his trailer and the M-13 member told him] that he liked to harm white men, would burn down his house then fade back into the barrios of Los Angeles or maybe Raleigh’…if he didn’t get his way in obtaining the trailer.

    Bush is totally disregarding the law in pursuit of his personal passions…[wanting] a guest worker program and amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens already in the United States…Bush play[ed] to illegal aliens under the guise of courting the vote of the people of Hispanic race…Bush is clearly visible holding and waving the Mexican flag. [Go to Stuter’s article, or hit control and click on this link see the 2004 campaign video]. [16]

    In this pro-Latino video, Mr. Bush states that there are 40 million Latinos here, and that his administration has the longest list of employed Hispanics. Under these circumstances, do you think Mr. Bush or anyone succeeding him will limit illegal immigration? His father had promised to do it right after he announced to the world for the first time the now famous phrase “New World Order,” but didn’t. And Bill Clinton had promised to do it, too, and didn’t either; so neither will President Dubya’s successor. Let’s face it: As Ralph Epperson so well puts it, there is no two-party election in our country. Both Democrats and Republicans are in the pockets of the Elite”[17].

    From the L.A. Times [18]:

    40% of all workers in the L.A. County (~10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes…illegal aliens without green cards.

    95% of warrants for murder in L.A. are for illegal aliens.

    75% of the people on the most wanted list in L.A. are illegal aliens.

    Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD are illegal.

    21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.

    In L.A. County, 5.1 million people speak English; 3.9 million speak Spanish out of a total of 10.2 million in the country
    Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops but 29% are on welfare [19].

    PART 6 of 11
    By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D
    July 16, 2006
    The previous article offered documented facts on the impact of illegal aliens. This article is a continuation of it. It is the third article of four in Part II of 11 articles in all.

    Noted immigration researcher, Frosty Woodbridge, reports the following [1]:

    In 2003, 57,600 cars were stolen in Phoenix alone by illegal immigrants …at a conservative average of $15,000 per vehicle, and owner losses exceeded $864 million….Illegals use vehicles for smuggling people and drugs from around the world into our country

    Arizona is the temporary home of 500,000 illegal aliens…costing [taxpayers of that state alone] over $1 billion annually in services for schools, medical care, welfare anchor babies, loss of tax base, and prisons.

    Illegal aliens displaced American workers at a cost in excess of $133 billion last year according to Harvard Professor George Borjas.

    Americans are paying taxes for many illegals who aren’t paying taxes.

    Annually, 75% of drugs arrive from Mexico at a net cost of $120 billion hard currency that leaves our country for good….our tax dollars pay $80 billion for the War on Drugs each year.

    When alien criminals get caught for rape, murder or drug distribution, we pay $1.6 billion annually in prison costs to house, feed and clothe those filling 30-percent of our federal and state prisons.

    Over 300,000 women annually arrive pregnant and drop their babies [called anchor babies] on U.S. soil…we pay food, housing, medical, and school for them to age 18-plus…[the] average annual cost per child K-12 is $7,161.00 and exceeds $109 billion annually per cycle of anchor babies.

    $56 [to $69] billion in pure cash was sent by illegal migrants to their country—Mexico--last year alone, after their kids received free education, free lunches, free medical care paid by U.S. citizens.

    The average bilingual education per illegal alien student costs $1,200.00, also paid for by American tax payers. We educate 1.1 million illegal alien children each year…do the math. Additionally, many states offer ”literacy programs, after-school tutoring, vocational education, and Parents as Teachers programs—all at the expense of the American taxpayers” [2].

    We paid $27 billion to provide forms, ballots, interpreters and brochures for languages other than English in 2003.
    An estimated one-third to one-half illegal aliens work off the books.

    It costs over $200 million annually to provide emergency health care for illegal aliens in the border states, alone.
    Illegals are arriving at over 4,000 per night, according to Time Magazine (12/2004); this year alone over three million illegal aliens will flood U.S. borders, enough to fill 22,000 737 Boeing airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year.

    When I asked Mr. Woodbridge about the litter along the border, he offered the following: “It’s been documented, and I have seen it with my own eyes from two separate border trips to El Paso to San Diego. The average illegal leaves eight pounds of trash in the desert before being picked up...that’s a lot of tons of trash. If each illegal defecates once during their crashing our borders while they wait in the lay-up area, you’ve got a lot of biohazard fifth. I saw it in thousands of piles of human waste…and they do kill animals and cut fences coming across the border”[3].

    He adds, "The thousands of undocumented immigrants who cross this border area from Mexico into the United States daily are taking a heavy toll on wildlife habitats and the species that live in southern Arizona, especially in [the] most critical wild lands… [along with] illegal crossers leav[ing] behind large amounts of litter, such as empty water jugs, old clothes, cans and bottles, and paper. Some border areas simply look like city dumps ... Compounding the problem of trash is the large amount of human biological waste that accumulates in staging areas or pickup points…." [Arizona Wilderness Advocate, Winter 2003-04.] ...

    This is supported by Borders Crossings:

    “… Estimates made on the Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation that borders Mexico for 73 miles indicate that approximately eight ( pounds of trash are left by each immigrant and drug runner who crosses border lands…The scattered and accumulated trash in Arizona border Wilderness and other public lands amount to a staggering two (2) million pounds (a conservative estimate) each year….The resulting pollution of streams and riverbeds presents risks to legitimate users and creates a major concern for land managers who are suddenly faced with biohazard sites that must be treated accordingly for cleanup. The cleaning of trash heaps and waste sites provides only short-term relief, as they soon return to pre-cleanup levels due to the large number of immigrants crossing the border. [And] at any given time one can find 20-25 broken down or abandoned vehicles left by smugglers...staff efforts to remove the vehicles cannot keep up with the accumulation, and the method of their removal further damages refuge resources“ [4].

    The photo below taken of Pearce, AZ, by the American Border Patrol shows how “pick up points have turned into trash dumps for the paraphernalia used for borders crossings such as back-packs, water bottles and empty food containers….As tons of trash clog drainages, poison animals and defile the landscape, few environmental groups speak out against the behavior of illegal aliens. ‘There is no doubt that if this trash was being dumped by citizens there would be a congressional investigation,’ said Glenn Spencer of American Border Patrol”[5].

    PART 7 of 11
    By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D
    July 16, 2006
    If my first six articles haven’t convinced you of the major problems we face from illegal immigration, then read on.

    More Facts
    Some other facts regarding invasion into the United States are that “Mexican illegal aliens get 30 ‘free’ border crossing attempts before they are prosecuted [if they are even captured] by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ), parent agency of the I&NS … [that] 1,000 safety and medical emergency call boxes are planned to be installed…to aid lost or injured illegal aliens attempting to enter the U.S …[that] resident aliens, and their families may collect Social Security and Medicare for the rest of their lives after working as little as 10 quarters (2 1/2 years) in the U.S. even if living in Mexico … [that] children born to illegal aliens on U.S. soil are automatically U.S. citizens entitled to full citizenship rights and benefits, and their parents and extended families may be entitled to many of these new rights and benefits as well causing ‘chain migration’…[that illegal aliens smuggling] groups of 10 or fewer people [are] seldom prosecuted ... [that] marijuana in amounts of 10 lb. or less is often ignored in California ... U.S. citizens [should] have the right to decide who is entering, and who is trespassing, on their private property, as well as the right to help determine who enters their country…” [1].

    Here is more information as stated in a a letter sent to Senator Frist from a retired border control agent [2].

    “Illegal aliens generally do NOT want U.S. citizenship...They want benefits earned and subsidized by middle class Americans.

    Illegal aliens are NOT critical to the economy…[they constitute less than 5% of the workforce…but reduce wages and benefits for lawful U.S. residents.

    This is NOT an immigrant nation. There are 280 million native born Americans…there is not a nation on this planet that was not settled by immigrants at one time or another.

    Mexico is NOT a friend of the United States. Since 1848 Mexicans have resented the United States. During World War I, Mexico allowed German spies to operate freely in Mexico to spy on the U.S. During World War II Mexico allowed the Axis powers to spy on the U.S. from Mexico. During the Cold War, Mexico allowed spies hostile to the U.S. to operate freely. The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was cheered and applauded all across Mexico. Today Mexican school children are taught that the U.S. stole California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

    If wanting a better life is a valid excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let's allow those one billion to come to America and we'll turn the USA into a Third World nation overnight. Besides, there are 280 million native born Americans who want a better life. Since when is wanting a better life a good reason to trash another nation?

    There is [no] labor shortage in this country. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American housewives, senior citizens, students, unemployed and underemployed who would gladly take jobs at a decent wage.

    It is [not] racist to want secure borders. What is racist about not wanting people to sneak into America and steal benefits we have set aside for legal aliens, senior citizens, children and other legal residents? For about four decades American politicians have refused to secure our borders and look after the welfare of middle class Americans.

    U.S. Government’s Tunnel Vision
    Read this citation. It should tell you how earnestly, quickly, and without concern or worry, our leaders are giving our country away[3]:

    Illegals Granted Social Security
    This was a front-page headline in Friday’s Washington Times. According to Times reporter Charlie Hurt, “The senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment—even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.

    I wish I could meet Mr. Bush so I could say to him, “Mr. President, you and our government have failed each citizen of the United States by refusing to halt the unwieldy yield of illegal aliens into our country, and by your sublime desire for open borders to create a single territory of the Americas. You have forsaken our country’s sovereignty. How can you be worried about terrorism when you allow foreigners to enter our country freely across borders…and yet you want to give them amnesty?” But of course, he, like any other politician, would deny any such type of action.

    The Commander-in-Chief’s plan to solve the problem by granting every illegal permission to be in this country is an offense to us Americans, whether it is through amnesty or the temporary worker program, which is amnesty under a mask, or any other covert program.

    Blanket amnesty is not the answer. It is unfair to legal immigrants and American citizens. A recent Pew Hispanic Center report showed a much deeper problem--one that encompasses many immigrant families with “Americans by birth, Americans by naturalization, permanent residents and undocumented immigrants”[4].

    Amnesty is just what the governments, the Elitists, and corporations want. Mr. Bush’s proposed “guest worker” program which is amnesty for illegal immigration is part of the trinational scheme to open borders for total integration, with the elimination of nationalism. Vincente Fox has said that his government would “use all our persuasion and our talent to being together the U.S., Canadian and Mexican governments so that in five or ten years, the border is totally open to the free movement of workers” [5].

    Mexican presidential candidates may be perhaps even worse than Fox. Alan Wall of VDare offers the oratory of the three major candidates [6]:

    Roberto Mandrazo: “Fox has acquiesced too much, allowing the United States to roll all over us and not defending enough the rights of our countrymen toiling under the worst of circumstances over there [in U.S.]” [Candidate Vows to Return PRI to Power, by Hernan Rozemberg; 04-10-06].

    Felipe Calderon: “…to protect the 8 million undocumented Mexicans in the United States…immigration is not solved by a wall…we’ll jump over it. In the coming two decades, I envision the whole North American region…as a single region with a free market, not just in goods and services and investments, but also a free labor market….The region could be like the European Union” [Calderon Vows to Look U.S. in the Eye, by Sean Mattson. 04-03-06].

    Manuel Lopez Obrador calls for “…the termination of all threats, arrests, apprehensions, raids and other abuses of the American immigration authorities against the undocumented workers while also calling for an end to ‘anti-immigrant vigilantism carried out by civil groups [such as the Minutemen]’ and [that he] will ‘transform Mexican consulates on U.S. soil into [prosecutorial offices]…to protect our countrymen from mistreatment, discrimination and the violation of their human rights.’” [AMLO Ofrece Buscar acuerdo migratorio]

    Wall goes on to say that the presidential candidates would like to turn the U.S. into the 6th electoral circumsripicion [state] of Mexico, with only Mexicans being allowed to vote on issues dealing with how the U.S. should be handled by the Mexican government.

    It’s aggravating that another nation’s government would even consider debating political treatises on how to handle we Americans for not being sheepish, abiding people, granting their demands. I wonder how they would feel if we invaded their terrain, commanded them to feed and clothe us, educate us, take care of our medical bills, pay us under the table so we could send money back to America, malign their country physically and verbally, and demand the same rights as their citizens. Readers, we are AMERICANS living in the presumably most powerful and richest country in the world…why then are our elected officials cow-towing to these illegal aliens who have no rights here, who have not earned anything to make decisions for us or place demands on us?

    Americans should make decisions for Americans. We cannot give up. And there are more facts in the upcoming parts 8 to 11.
    Last edited by GaiaGoddess; 05-02-2024 at 05:24 PM.
    END OF AN ERA 1/20/2009

  2. #2
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Wow! If those articles don't wake people up I don't know what will.
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #3
    Grandmom9's Avatar
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    Lets Build Walls Instead of Bridges

    I found this to be one of the best written treatises on the illegal "immigrant" issue - it was very well documented and researched. I really cannot comprehend the continuuing obfuscation of this issue by our elected representatives and their kowtowing to a foreign government.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Reciprocity's Avatar
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    New York, The Evil Empire State
    Great Article and supports my statement that Mexico is a Renegade Outlaw Nation and should be regarded as an Enemy of the United States. In the end all the diplomacy and politics will not end this crisis,i hate to say it, but sooner or later the only solution will be a Military one.
    “In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” –Thomas Jefferson

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