C.B.P. News Release

Border Patrol, Texas Parks and Wildlife Collaborate to Station Mustangs in Big Bend Ranch State Park

(Monday, July 26, 2010)

Marfa, Texas – Chief Patrol Agent John J. Smietana, Jr., of the Border Patrol’s Marfa Sector and Lieutenant Ken Watson of the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s State Park Police met Monday to execute an agreement that would allow the Border Patrol to station horses in the Big Bend Ranch State Park. The horses will be housed in the park for use by agents of the Presidio Border Patrol Station.

The horses, all American mustangs, will be used primarily to patrol in the park’s environmentally sensitive areas where motor vehicle use is discouraged or forbidden. Pre-positioning the horses in the park will allow agents to more efficiently patrol the area.

“We continue to look for innovative ways to accomplish our mission,â€