Do you believe the United States government should secure our borders and ports before discussing so-called immigration reform?

Broken Borders

The president pushes for immigration reform. For reaction, we'll be joined by Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who supports giving legal status to millions of illegal aliens living in the United States.

Plus, Sen. Jon Kyl explains why he thinks it will be hard to consider other factors in the immigration debate until the government convinces Americans it's serious about border security.
Required Reading
I believe there are two historical documents that should provide a frame of reference for every American. The Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are too often ignored or poorly understood by our elected officials from City Hall to the White House. We're providing these two documents on our Web site for your convenience, and I hope you will join me by reading them often and regularly.

All the best,
Lou Dobbs

• Read the Declaration of Independence

• Read the Constitution