(Writers note: this article was written four(4) years ago.)

That's right. Ask the Indians that lived on this continent before the "New World" was discovered. Look what illegal immigration did to them. Before America, as we have come to call it, was "discovered", it was already here, inhabited by the natives of the land. The Indians!!! From Fla. to New York. From New York to Washington state. From Wash. St. to California. From California to Florida and everywhere in between this country was inhabited by the Indians. This was their "homeland". They lived their lives modestly, to say the least, as the people of this land, now called North America. They had no "Homeland Security" except themselves.
Then what happened? People that didn't speak their language, didn't respect their heritage, didn't respect their property rights, and didn't respect their laws, came into their home, and their lives, and over the course of about 50 years took away everything they had. They were herded onto reservations and the ones that resisted were killed or imprisoned for trying to keep and protect what was theirs all the time. Sound familiar? It's happening again 150 years later. What an ingenious plan. Take over a whole country without firing a shot simply by overwhelming the country with a tsunami of ILLEGAL ALIENS. (They have burdened the economic and welfare systems to the verge of collapse. Billions of dollars go out of our system to their country of origin. Billions are spent from our system to aid them medically, etc. Ya think that has anything to do with the state of the economy? I do. Put the 100's of billions of dollars back into our system.)
Nobody debated the Indians side. No defense attorney jumped at the chance of defending the Indians. The ACLU didn't jump into the fray. (I know they didn't exist back then). It happened with nobody aiding the Indians cause. People.....we are the modern day Indians. Let's do something about it before it's too late.

"There's no need for the National Guard, if there's no guard for the National need"........JHK