by John R. Marshall
Assimilation: The Big Lie
December 29, 2006 01:00 PM EST

Self discipline to avoid unacceptable consequences is a process of childhood socialization. Political correctness represents “the world owes me I am entitled to yours” ethics. Life is not fair, not all adults are alike.

Suicide bombers like many under-socialized third world illegal immigrants are adults in years with personalities of two year old children. People who never grow beyond the terrible two’s often become rapists or serial killers.

The increase of under-socialized third world illegals on United States soil will result in rampant promiscuity, alcohol-drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, driving while intoxicated deaths, violent felonies, and even serial killer crimes in America.

Under-socialized illegals can become recruitment material for ideological terrorists creating a real possibility for radical Hispanics seeking the conquest of lost homelands. A more dangerous alliance would be between “radical” racists Hispanics and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Witness emerging ties between gangs like MS-13 and Hezbollah along America’s Southern Border.

Reality: Illegal immigrants according to public sector numbers comprise about three to five percent of population in United States and are responsible for over thirty percent of serious crimes in America.

Greed brought many illegal immigrants to America, and greed can send most of them home. Give all illegal immigrants thirty days to take their ill-gotten gains and return home, after thirty days all illegal immigrant assets will be subject to asset seizure by existing asset forfeiture laws.

Local, state, and federal agencies making seizures receives percentage of illegal immigrant related seizures.

Illegal immigrants accepting taxpayer funded services including but not limited to education, medical services, social services, or earned income refunds are guilty of felony fraud and should forfeit the rights for them and their immediate families to ever become American citizens.

Public employees knowingly providing taxpayer services to illegal immigrants not reporting illegal immigrants to law enforcement, permanently forfeit their pensions and rights to public sector employment.

Businesses capable of performing customer and client credit checks have no excuses for employing illegal immigrants. Any American citizen providing transportation, employment, or assistance to illegal immigrants shall have offending property subject to same asset forfeiture laws as illegal immigrants.

Why punish those aiding or assisting illegal immigrants? Consider the following real world experiences which show how unethical business practices are encouraging illegals not to assimilate into American society.

Who are the first Americans illegals encounter? Smugglers who rob, rape, and murder them. Who are the second group of Americans illegals encounter? Unethical capitalists.

A recent assignment required me to spend seven weeks working undercover as “white trash” in illegal immigrants jobs market. Up front salary agreement was five dollars an hour paid daily plus one meal for hard physical labor that included: mixing cement and sand by hand to make concrete, landscaping, ranch work, farm work, metal fabrication, construction work, and other miscellaneous work.

Only one employer out of nine paid five dollars an hour with good or decent meals. Other eight varied from underpaying or not paying for services provided. One employer paid only one hundred dollars for two weeks hard work, averaging ten dollars a day for eight hours day. (Let stealing slide did not want to be branded troublemaker and lose future work.)

Other scams were charging exorbitant prices for rent, food, beer so illegals ended up owing employer money at end of pay period. Some employers would insult illegals getting them to leave before pay period, or turning them in to “Immigration” before paying them.

Meals ranged from “leftovers” to: stale crackers, out of date fish, spoiled potato salad (did not eat bad fish or spoiled potato salad), to one fifty cent package of peanuts, and in many cases no meals. My most memorable was choice between one hot can of generic coke or one slice of watermelon. I never knew how much I liked watermelon.

The third group stealing illegals blind are immigration lawyers making unachievable promises for exorbitant up front fees. It seems the best way to abuse people’s “humanitarian rights” is to promise to defend their civil rights.

Combine treatment of illegals by the first three groups of Americans they encounter smugglers, unethical capitalists, and dishonest immigration lawyers with almost five hundred years of hatred against white Europeans and one hundred and seventy-five years hatred against Americans. Why should illegals ever be expected to assimilate into American culture?

For those who doubt my observations, study history of native Mexican Indians and peasants for the past five hundred years. From brutality of Spanish conquistadors and priests through aristocrats both Mexican and French to America’s Alamo and 1840’s War with Mexico to dealing with contemporary American smugglers, unethical capitalists, and immigration lawyers; why wouldn’t Hispanic illegals have as much contempt towards Anglo America as Islamic fascists towards western civilization?

Answer to the question, “can’t we all get along,” is no; there are people who just do not want to get along. Many uneducated illegals will never assimilate into American society. Unethical capitalists who exploit illegals will also exploit American workers when given the opportunity.

Ask yourself one final question: does it matter why any group of legals or illegals want to steal your property and harm you and your family: immaturity, ignorance, greed, cultural hatred, or religious fanaticism? Never forget, those who ignore national security spend to much time at cemeteries.