Immigrant rights group calls for boycott of Tostitos Fiesta Bowl
Posted: Sep 17, 2010 6:40 PM PDT
Updated: Sep 17, 2010 8:31 PM PDT

By Christina Stymfal

(KOLD) - An immigrant rights group is calling for a boycott of the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl.

Dallas-based Accion America is about to hit the airwaves of Spanish radio and television stations asking people to boycott the game, as well as Frito-Lay which makes tostitos.

The boycott is being called due to Arizona's new immigration law, SB 1070.

The group leader says unless Arizona does away with SB 1070, he will have protesters at the January 1 game in Glendale, Ariz.

They are also considering a protest of the BCS National Championship game, which will be held at the same location ten days later.