Published: 03.27.2007

Immigration attorneys advising clients to avoid driving

Tucson Citizen

Tucson immigration attorneys are advising clients to avoid driving or riding in cars in light of stepped-up enforcement of immigration laws across the country.
Immigration attorneys are reporting an increase in the number of clients seeking help after being detained by the U.S. Border Patrol during routine traffic stops.
Patricia Mejia said she receives calls every other day from clients who were detained for a traffic violation.
"Some were stopped for something as minor as turning on a yellow light or swerving," she said. "Yeah, it's true, but does that mean now you deport me and my entire family? It seems extreme."
Detentions appear to have escalated in the past year, she said. Previously, drivers might have been detained, but now, she said many of her clients who were detained were passengers in the car. Now she advises her clients not to drive, or even ride in a car unless it's an emergency.
"I just tell them to take the bus or ride your bike," she said, "because if you're driving and you get pulled over, you are going to Mexico tonight."
Tucson police officers will call the Border Patrol if they suspect someone they come into contact with is in the country illegally, said Sgt. Mark Robinson, of the Tucson Police Department.
Immigration attorney Gloria Goldman said there seems to be an escalation in detention of people in the Tucson area and the environment has led to increased fear among many illegal immigrants.
"People are in a panic so they're coming to see me," said Goldman, who has seen an uptick in the number of people seeking her services.
Unfortunately, she said, many have no recourse under current immigration law and there is little she can do to help them.

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Comments on this Story Write a letter to the Editor2 Total Comments — See All Comments
1. Comment by dennis L. (#3805) — March 27,2007 @ 12:20PM


2. Comment by michael c. (#5225) — March 27,2007 @ 12:25PM

yes, deport all these illegal aliens!