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Wish this guy worked in my area, I'd contact him for sure.

A landscaper who FAVORS employer sanctions
Dec 13, 2007

E. J. Montini

John Eisenhower, the owner of Integrity Tree Service Inc. of Scottsdale, sent me a thank-you note for writing a column earlier this month about a landscaper who has illegal immigrants on his payroll and who complained about the difficulties his business will face if Arizona's employer sanctions law goes into effect.

John said that he wanted to thank me because he, too, is in the landscape business.

And because he is NOT one of those employers.

He said that the landscaper whom I wrote about only reinforced a choice John made 18 years ago when he got into the business.

“For religious reasons of conscience to uphold basic laws of the land, we made a decision in 1989, in keeping with our company name, to declare all our income, pay above the table, pay our taxes, comply with government regulations and hire legal workers,â€