Legislature Takes Up 'Anchor Babies' Bill

Updated: Monday, 07 Feb 2011, 7:32 AM MST
Published : Monday, 07 Feb 2011, 7:32 AM MST

PHOENIX - 'Anchor babies' is a term used to tag children born in the United States to illegal parents.

More than a thousand people could be here protesting.

Senate Bills 1308 and 1309 were introduced by Mesa State Senator Russell Pearce and Ron Gould. They would deny birth certificates to children born in Arizona to parents who are not legal U.S. citizens, blocking any chance of the child becoming a citizen.

Critics say it violates the 14th amendment, which grants citizenship to babies born on American soil.

Sen. Pearce defends it by saying the 14th amendment has been hijacked by illegal immigrants, adding that illegals come here to have children only to gain access to welfare and benefits.

Those against the bill say it discriminates and divides the community.

Protesters will be showing up at the capital around 1:00 p.m. with their 1,000 baby chain. Those babies will be with their mothers and fathers. The protest is sponsored by the Border Action Network.

The bills will be taken up Monday afternoon around 2:00 p.m.

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