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Burger King and farmworker group reach deal to boost wages

Last Update: 12:01 pm

(Justin Sullivan, Getty Images) MIAMI (AP) - Burger King and a farmworkers advocacy group have announced a deal to end a bitter dispute by trying to boost wages and improve conditions for Florida tomato pickers.

The second-largest hamburger chain joins rivals McDonald's and Taco Bell owner Yum Brands which already have similar deals. But whether the workers get a raise depends on the participation of tomato growers who have resisted the agreements.

Under the deal with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Burger King agreed to pay 1.5 cents more per pound of tomatoes it buys from Florida growers, with a penny of that given to workers. To encourage participation, the rest will go to growers to help cover any additional payroll taxes and administrative costs.

Burger King says the increase for all workers is estimated to be about $250,000. The total cost to the Miami-based company will be about $320,000 -- including the additional payments for growers.