Chairman Haney on backlash from Republican senators’ sellout seeingredaz on Mar. 21, 2011
Maricopa County Republican Chairman Rob Haney posts an open letter explaining the frustration of Republican precinct committeemen as a result of the failure of the anti-illegal immigration legislation last week.

Senators Intimidated by Chamber of Commerce Infuriate Precinct Committeemen
March 20, 2011

The Republican Precinct Committeemen (PCs) who elected me as their Maricopa County Chairman by an unprecedented margin of 70%, did so for a reason. They wanted a spokesman with a clear, consistent, conservative position on the issues as opposed to what they frequently heard from elected Republican office holders pandering to the moderate wing of the Party. The level of disgust held by PCs toward the Republicans who voted with the Democrats on the illegal immigration bills this past week is palpable.

The excuses given by these senators for their actions were the same platitudes we've heard repeatedly from those in the business community bonded to the concept of an exploitable, cheap labor force. They are joined in their efforts by the liberal media, the ACLU and the Democrat Party when opposing legislation or policies (Prop 200, employer sanctions, sanctuary cities, SB1070) which sought to enforce our immigration laws. They protest: "We agree ...but it is a federal issue ...the border has never been more secure is discriminatory and racist will not be upheld in court ...citizenship is a federal issue ...Arizona can't go it alone ...unintended consequences ...boycotts ...we are not pro-illegal immigration, we just need to press the federal government for meaningful immigration reform ...we have more pressing issues to deal with such as the economy ...there are more issues than illegal immigration is poorly written, etc."

The PCs know better than to ask these maverick senators, "Where are your perfect bills or amendments that you have submitted to stop the illegal alien invasion?" There are no bills coming from these senators because they are mavericks and crossing the aisle to vote with the Democrats is what mavericks do. There are no Democrat mavericks because Democrats are committed to their platform and will not tolerate dissent within their ranks.

The savvy PCs recognize the talking point excuses as insincere malarkey. They know the truth is that the business community demands cheap labor and the Democrats want the bonanza of the illegal alien vote upon attaining citizenship through amnesty. PCs are bewildered by Republican legislators whom they assisted in their quest for political power now voting against defending the party and the nation. As taxpaying citizens, the PCs see the results of the invasion. We have experienced a marked negative impact on our personal safety, while funding the overburdened educational, medical, and criminal justice systems dealing with the burdens imposed by those in our country in violation of our laws and national borders.

Some of our schools now instruct children that the United States is an aggressor nation, teaching the racist LaRaza and Reconquista studies programs. Meanwhile, taxes and spending have drastically increased. We have imported a culture of corruption, intimidation and contempt for authority. Mob rule can be witnessed all too often at the Arizona State Capitol. Foreign drug cartels openly flaunt their power within our borders. Voter fraud and ID theft are rampant.

The federal government will not stop this invasion. In fact, they have demonstrated that they will do what they can to insure that it continues. To persist with the mantra that it is a federal issue and will be addressed at that level is to deny history. The deterioration of all aspects of our society is manifested in the illegal alien invasion.

PCs recognize that border security is national security. The refusal of these Republicans to take meaningful actions to secure our border in this era of Islamic terrorism is indefensible.

Do these senators fail to realize the result their votes have on the well-being of the Party? Do they not remember what happened when Sens. McCain, Kyl and Rep. Flake advocated for an amnesty bill, while 80 - 90% of the Republican base opposed it? The GOP, thanks in large part to Tea Party activists who hold Constitutional and Republican Platform beliefs, is only now beginning to recover from the mass exodus to the Independent ranks provoked by our own representatives. Due to numerous liberal positions taken by some of our elected Republicans, the public sees little difference between Democrats and Republicans. That concept must change for Republicans to continue to succeed. But now the maverick Republicans in the Arizona Senate have dealt another body blow to the Republican base.

It is imperative that newly invigorated activists not become discouraged because some Republican Senators have betrayed our efforts on their behalf and the confidence that has been placed in them. We can expect setbacks from time to time as the moneyed interests try to maintain their influence. Money can buy an election if the voters are uninformed or misinformed. It is our duty to build an educated voter base that understands the issues and votes accordingly, no matter how much is spent to deceive them. Our Founders put their lives on the line by signing the Declaration of Independence. All we have to do is campaign in the Republican primary in favor of those advocating for the political principles vital to the survival of our Republic.

I urge you to rally other patriots to the cause, join the Republican Party and make your voice more powerful by becoming a Precinct Committeeman (PC). Clearly, the Democrat Party will not advocate for your beliefs and becoming an Independent will only ensure Democrat victories. The most effective method of fighting is to become a Republican PC to help elect candidates who will represent our fundamental values. Please contact me at if you have an interest in joining us, and I will explain how you can become involved in the political effort to protect Arizona and the United States.

Rob Haney
Maricopa County Republican Committee ... 9-sellout/